Julius: Human male psychokinetic. Played by Dave. Speaks Balician and Tyrian.
Alaxander: Human male psychokinetic. Played by Ben. Speaks Balician and Elf.
Kalino: Human male fighter/preserver. Played by DM. Speaks Rammin and Tyrian.
Vashti: Human female clairsentient/water cleric. Played by my wife. Speaks Nibnese and Gith.
Guacamole: Pterran male ranger. Played by Clyde. Speaks Pterran and Giant.
Demetrius: Human male. 25 years old. Shepherd. NPC. Speaks Nibnese.
Salvador: Human male. 41 years old. Mason. NPC. Speaks Nibnese.
Agathon: Human male. 17 years old. Shepherd. NPC. Speaks Balician.
Cletus: Human male. 40 years old. Vinter. NPC. Speaks Balician.
Note: For those unfamiliar with Dark Sun, psionics are called the Will for wild talents and the Way for trained psionicists.
They stared at the stone door for little while, then Guacamole began moving the rocks that would prevent the group from rolling the pillar away from the door. Alaxander grabbed a rock and began banging it on the door, just to see if something banged back. Nothing did, so he began assisting with the removal of the rubble.
Once the rubble was removed and the pillar rolled out of the way, Alaxander got the idea to take a peek into the room using the Way. He made himself and the orb he was holding insubstantial and put his head and the orb through the door. Inside, he saw a dark-skinned Dwarf standing on an old table that looked about to collapse. He was beating two skeletons back with a stick, but would soon fall. Alaxander stepped back from the door and told his companions to open the door.
Once the door was opened, Guacamole rushed inside and attacked one of the skeletons and the others followed. Julius, unfortunately, was viciously wounded and the way failed him, when he tried to counter attack. Once the skeletons were defeated, the Dwarf thanked them. He told them his name was Abu Talib and he was an escaped slave. He explained that he, and three others, were escaped slaves and had come upon these ruins. In the process of exploring the ruins, they got separated and he was trapped inside the room when they were fleeing the skeletons. He didn't know how the pillar collapsed, but he'd been holding back the skeletons for three days.
Hopefully, his focus was not being killed by skeletons. |
Although suspicious, the group invited Abu to join them. Abu agreed and the group went upstairs to rest by the well. They set up camp and Alaxander offered to keep the first watch, while he continued work on his chitin shield.
Day 3, Week 1, Dominary, Friend's Vengeance, 190th King's Age, High Sun
When he woke Kalino for this watch, Kalino indicated that Abu was gone. Alaxander woke everyone, told Julius that Abu was gone, and tried to indicate it to the others. Guacamole could see that Abu's tracks went outside of the keep and pantomimed it to the others. It then took Julius awhile for the group to get past their communication barrier, but he finally made it clear that he wanted to move their sleeping place, just in case Abu came back with slavers. Everyone agreed and the group moved downstairs, into the storage room where they found water and kank honey.