The group retreated from their location to hide from the gith. They got behind a large boulder and began discussing what they should do next. Suddenly, Shade called out in surprise. From behind, and above, the group was a fifteen foot long centipede.
The centipede's poison burned Shade's skin, but he was able to fight off the internal effects. The group quickly drew weapons and fled from the monster. The centipede gave chase and bit Alaxander. Alaxander could feel the venom coursing through his veins and he cried out. Luckily, Kiara was on hand to slow the venom in Alaxander's system.
The group attacked the creature with fervor, but the giant centipede made use of the terrain. While the group was having difficulty navigating the rocks and boulders, the centipede moved gracefully over and around them.
A blog for the Dark Sun Setting.
All rules presented are for the AD&D 2e rules system, or For Gold & Glory by God Emperor Games.
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Tuesday, December 28, 2021
Session Seventy: The Gith Problem
Saturday, December 25, 2021
Prince of Peace
“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” - Isaiah 9:6
I encourage everyone to watch the video below and rejoice in our Savior's birth.
Merry Christmas.
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
The Friends and the Slavers - A Dark Sun Fable
Jahin approached the slavers and spoke softly, so Walid would not hear him,"Great ones, if you promise not to capture me, I will aid you in capturing my friend. He is much stronger than I and would make a much better slave."
The slavers agreed and Jahin returned to Walid.
"They have agreed not to capture us." Jahin lied to his friend, "Let's go that way, away from the slavers."
When Walid turned to look, Jahin hit him on the head with a stick, knocking him unconscious.
Now, when the slavers saw one of the men was theirs for the taking, they quickly descended on Jahin and subdued him. Both men were forced into slavery and Jahin knew that he should have expected treachery, much more than his former friend.
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Nyroc - New Athasian Monster
Climate/Terrain: Anywhere Dark
Frequency: Very Rare
Organization: Solitary or Cluster
Activity Cycle: Night
Diet: Carnivore
Intelligence: Semi- (2-4)
Treasure: See Below
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
No. Appearing: 1-10
Armor Class: 3
Movement: 12, Fl 24 (B)
Hit Dice: 10 + 5
Thac0: 11
No. of Attacks: 1 or 2
Damage/Attacks: 1-4 / 1-6
Special Attack: Venom
Special Defense: Urticating Hairs
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: S (3' long)
Morale: Average (8-10)
XP Value: Common: 4,000; Psionic: 6,000
Psionic Summary
Level: 5
Dis/Sci/Dev: 2/3/10
Attack/Defense: -/ M-, MB, TS
Score: 14
PSPs: 72
Psychometabolic: Shadow-form, Adrenalin Control, Cause Decay, Displacement, Flesh Armor
Psychoportation: Teleport, Time Shift
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Session Sixity-Nine: The Village of Kuresh
Vashti's appearance had drastically changed in her time away and the people from her village did not recognize her. After a long discussion, Vashti was able to convince the villagers that she was who she said she was. She told them the names of every villager and personal details about them. The village opened their doors and allowed the group inside.
Vashti met her mentor, a dwarf water cleric named Sharra, and explained what had happened in the time she had been away. She also told her about their current mission, to find the gems needed to destroy Kalak. Sharra thought Vashti's plan was noble, but idealistic. She tried to convince Vashti to stay, but Vashti refused.
Kiara lied, when out of ear shot of Julius, and said she was an air cleric. She and Vashti healed some of the guards who were badly injured in the fight with the gith. One of guards was beyond help and died.
Vashti met with the village elder, a preserver named Kazim. She turned over all the supplies the group had purchased in Altaruk and Nibenay. She also introduced Kazim to Kalino and those two retired to have a long discussion