
Friday, October 18, 2019

The Athasian Elemental Planes Part Seven: The Plane of Rain

The Paraelemental Plane of Rain

The minuscule amount of rain that falls on the face of Athas is a welcome site to all. The endless green sky of the Paraelemental Plane of Rain was once filled with clouds that poured rain into each other. Like the endless skies of the Elemental Plane of Air, there is no end to the plane. Dark clouds drift through the sky, pouring out water and sending out flashes of lightning.
Once, these storm clouds filled the endless sky and soaked travelers to the bone. The clouds crackled with lightning and roared with thunder. The entire plane was one giant storm. Now, the plane is more empty sky than dark clouds. The rain still comes, but it is more of a drizzle than a downpour. Lightning less commonly crashes between the clouds and when thunder rings out, it sounds like a lament for what once was.


Visitors will find that the Paraelemental Plane of Rain is very welcoming. There is air to breath and, while the temperature is warm, it is not too hot. However, visitors much be weary of lightning storms and boiling hot rain

Once the entire paraelemental plane was a giant storm, but now they are a lot less common. The winds do not get as fierce on the Elemental Plane of Air, but can still be quite strong. These winds can blow a traveler off course, blow valuable supplies away, and tear apart any vehicle that a traveler may be using. These storms can appear very quickly and can dissipate just as fast, but they could linger for quite some time. These storms might move through the plane or stay still, so it is advisable to avoid them.
The DM can use the following table to determine the wind velocity of a given area:
Percentile Roll Force Velocity (MPH) Adj
1-50 Stale 0 0
51-60 Calm Below 2 0
61-65 Light Breeze 3 to 7 0
66-70 Moderate Breeze 8 to 18 0
71-75 Strong Breeze 19 to 31 0
76-80 Light Gale 32 to 39 -1
81-84 Moderate Gale 40 to 47 -2
85-89 Strong Gale 48 to 54 -3
90-92 Light Storm 55 to 60 -4
93-95 Moderate Storm 61 to 66 -5
96-98 Strong Storm 67 to 72 -6
99-100 Hurricane 73 to 176 -7
This table indicates the dice roll (on percentile dice) to produce a given velocity of wind. The force and velocity columns are intended to provide reference points for the DM. The last column indicates an adjustment that can be applied to saving throws, attack rolls, proficiency and ability checks, or anything else the DM feels in appropriate.
The DM can use the following table to determine the precipitation of a given storm:
Roll Amount of Precipitation
1-5 Sprinkle
6-10 Drizzle
11-14 Light Rain
15-17 Moderate Rain
18-19 Heavy Rain
20 Downpour
This table indicates the dice roll (on a D20) to produce a given amount of precipitation. The amount of precipitation colmn gives the DM an idea of how much rain is falling during a given storm. DM's are encouraged to assign appropriate negative modifiers for vision and tests that may be hampered by the rain.
Weather conditions on the Paraelemental Plane of Rain are very unpredictable compared to Athas. A storm may last for a few minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or even years. Changes in wind velocity and precipitation may happen very quickly. As a rule, changes in wind velocity and precipitation take place over a single turn. Thus, a given location can jump from a light breeze to any other force, such as a hurricane, in only 10 minutes.
The DM can use the following table to determine the duration of a given wind condition:
1D20 Roll Duration of Current Conditions
1-2 1d6 rounds
3-4 1d6 turns
5-6 1d6 hours
7-8 1d6 days
9-10 2d6 days
11-12 1d6 weeks
13-14 1d6 months
15-16 1d6 years
17-18 1d6 decades
19-20 1d6 centuries
The size of a given storm can be whatever size the DM needs it to be and they are almost always circular in shape. If an exact size is needed, the DM may roll 1d100 for the radius measurement measured in miles.

Boiling Rain
Where the Paraelemental Plane of Sun has heated the Paraelemental Plane of Rain, the clouds have become infused with heat and rain down water that is unbearably hot. If caught by boiling rain and not protected by magic or psionics from heat, the traveler takes 2d10 points of damage for each round of exposure.
Travelers can make a saving throw vs breath weapon each round to reduce the damage by half. DMs are encouraged to adjust the saving throw for the amount of precipitation. Bonuses for drizzles and negatives for a downpour.

When in a rain storm or near a storm cloud, there is a 5% chance of a traveler being struck by lightning. If carrying a metal weapon the chance increases to 25% and if wearing metal, the chance of being struck by lightning increases to 50%. These bolts do 1d6 x 10 points of damage. A successful saving throw vs rods decreases the damage by half.
The thunderclap that follows causes deafness for 2d4 hours, unless a successful saving throw vs rod is made. This saving throw must be rolled for every character within 100 feet of the lightning strike. Blocking the ears in some fashion grants a bonus to the saving throw determined by the DM. A protection from lightning spell protects targets from the lightning strike, but not the thunder.

Mud Rain
Where the Paraelemental Plane of Silt has infected the Paraelemental Plane of Rain, the clouds have become saturated with silt and rain mud down upon visitors. The mud becomes caked upon a visitor and is difficult to wash away while it is still raining. This build up of mud prevents a traveler from finding their way through the plane and may suffocate the traveler eventually.
A traveler may spend a number of rounds in mud rain equal to their Constitution score. Every round thereafter reduces the travelers movement by one, to minimum of one, and requires a saving throw vs paralyzation to avoid suffocation. If successfull, the traveler can breath normally for ten rounds, then must make another check. If failed, the traveler begins to drown according to the drowning rules on page 160 of the Player's Handbook.

Moving Around

Once a visitor gets to the Paraelemental Plane of Rain, they have to figure out how to get from one place to another. If the visitor can fly, it's no problem, but if they can't fly, things can be a bit more difficult. There is no gravity in the Plane of Rain. However, the does not mean that a person can just float about in midair, carried by the winds. Travel on the Plane of Rain is identical to travel on the Plane of Air.
An inexperienced traveler, upon arriving to the Paraelemental Plane of Rain, usually chooses a direction as down. This is often a subconscious choice, as inexperienced travelers do not fully comprehend an absence of gravity. This subconscious decision will then cause the traveler to fall in the direction they believe is down. They will continue to fall until they hit something, or decide another direction is down. Once a traveler figures out how to travel by falling, they can make a Wisdom check to navigate this way, with bonuses or penalty based upon how familiar they are with the Plane of Rain or Air.
Familiarity with Rain Modifier
None at all. -6
No firsthand experience -4
Research, but no firsthand experience. -2
Brief firsthand experience. 0
Some firsthand experience. +2
Extensive firsthand experience. +4
Practically a native. +6
Falling travelers fall at a rate of 1,000 feet per round. If the faller strikes something, the traveler and object both take 1d6 points of damage for every 10 feet the faller fell, adjusted for density of item and DM fiat, to a maximum of 20d6 damage. Although dangerous, it is possible to traverse the plane this way.
When nearing their destination, they need to worry about how to stop. If they have warning, it's a simple matter of altering which way is down little by little until the traveler stops where they want. Too late and the traveler has a problem of completely missing their mark, or striking an object. Landing requires a Wisdom check, as above, and a Dexterity check to land safely.
If a character plans on spending time in the Plane of Rain often enough, it might be worth buying the Elemental Plane Traveler non-weapon proficiency, which allows a single WIS+6 check to traverse the Plane of Rain, by falling, once per trip.


The Elemental Plane of Rain is home to many animals that are also present in the Plane of Air. Birds (mainly water fowl) are the most common, followed by wyverns. Many of these creatures were brought here by the Jann who make their homes here.

Rain Drakes swim through the rain and clouds of the plane. These intelligent drakes serve and advise the Paraelemental Lords. They are used most often in the Elemental War to great effect. Although very rare, rain drakes are imposing and talented combatants. The sight of one entering a battle can boost the morale of rain's allies and shatter the morale of rain's enemies.
Rain drakes often lead paraelementals and Jann into combat, serving as high ranking officers in the military. Rain drakes will fight to the death to defend their home plane. Rain drakes hate the forces of water and feel that water has abandonded them in their time of need. Rain drakes refuse to fight alongside the forces of water, especially water drakes, unless specifically ordered to by the Paraelemental Lords of Rain.

Paraelemental beings are the most common lifeforms on the Paraelemental Plane of Rain. In addition to lesser, standard, and greater paraelementals, this category includes fundamentals and elemental kin, like animentals.
All rain paraelementals serve the commands of the Paraelemental Lords and are used as soldiers in the Elemental War. Their entire society is geared toward the defense of their home plane. When not in battle, rain paraelementals like to enjoy the cool rain that pours between the clouds. Cool rain and leisure time is becoming increasingly rare, however.

Paraelemental Lords
The most powerful beings in the Paraelemental Plane of Rain are the Paraelemental Lords. The Paraelemental Lords of Rain are made up of pure rain and  storm clouds, having no distinct shape. They do not have names or titles, but all natives of the Paraelemental Plane of Rain show deference to their leadership. They reside inside strong storm clouds and rainfall. They are serviced by other paraelementals, drakes, and jann. Three of the Paraelemental Lords have fallen since the Elemental War started.
It is unknown if the Paraelemental Lords of Rain grow old. It is possible that the Paraelemental Lords are the same as they have been since the beginning of time. It is also a mystery how the Paraelemental Lords of Rain communicate with each other as no verbal or telepathic communication can be detected between them. However, they do telepathically communicate with their servants.
The Paraelemental Lords may travel anywhere in the Paraelemental Plane of Rain instantly, but cannot leave it. They can control storms, lightning, and rainfall within the plane, but not mud or boiling rain. They can also grant divine spells to anyone who makes a pact to serve the Paraelemental Plane of Rain. Lastly, they can cast any spell in the domain of rain at will, including wizard elemental rain spells as divine spells, and any spell in the sphere of cosmos three times per day. Paraelemental Lords are immune to psionics.
These powerful beings are not good or evil. They are the lords of rain and care very little for events that do not affect their realm. Their current dilemma is the war between their paraelemental plane and the Planes of Silt and Sun, a war they are losing. The Paraelemental Lords of Rain have allied with the Lords of Air, Earth, Fire, and Water against the Paraelemental Planes of Magma, Silt, and Sun.

The Jann of the Paraelemental Plane of Rain are generally used as troops by the Paraelemental Lords. The Jann have a tribal structure, where the Amir of the tribe receives orders from the Paraelemental Lords and leads his tribe accordingly. Rain Jann have organized their society toward service in the Elemental War.
In combat, Jann divide themselves into infantry, cavalry, archers, healers, and siege forces. The infantry is the main bulk of the fighting force and fight in units of eight hundred soldiers. A single army might have three to four infantry units. Cavalry fight on the backs of giant water fowl or wyverns. There is not a set number of cavalry troops for an army, but generals feel most comfortable if they have at least thirty. Archers use bows made of horn and fight in units of forty archers. An army will have at least two archer units. Healers are rain clerics of various levels and serve the army in units of three. Ideally an army will have at least four units of healers. Siege forces are generally made up of combat focused psionicsists. Most armies are lucky to have ten siege soldiers.
Jann may be encountered alone or in pairs on Athas, carrying out the orders of their superiors.
The Jann suffer the same restrictions as all Athasian spellcasters, no matter if they are on the Paraelemental Plane of Rain, or Athas. Jann generally wear heavy leather armor and use bone and leather shields. Bone tipped spears and javelins are the weapon of choice for Jann, with bone machetes as a backup weapon. Most carry a bone jambiya as a weapon of last resort. Jann do not suffer any penalty for dwelling indefinitely on the Elemental Planes and must travel through the Gray to reach Athas.

Rain paraelemental beasts are common on the Paraelemental Plane of Rain. They are frequently caught and trained by the Jann to be used as guardians and war beasts.
Other types of monsters found on the Paraelemental Plane of Rain are not found on Athas, such as the exceptionally rare winged snake.

Long ago a group of human women were given magical feathers by the Paraelemental Lord of Rain. These feathers allowed them to become a magical creature called a Swanmay. The swanmay must keep their feather token, or revert back to their normal human form. The Paraelemental Lords no longer have the time or divine energy to devote to creating new feather tokens.
Swanmays fight freely for the Plane of Rain and will do so until death. The enemies of the Plane of Rain know that the feather tokens are required to create swanmay and destroy them at every opportunity. There were once legions of swanmay fighting in the Elemental War, but those numbers have dwindled to a few hundred. Swanmay never travel to Athas.

Other Races
It is possible that other intelligent races exist on the Paraelemental Plane of Rain, especially if they can fly and don't mind rain, but they do not take a major part in the Elemental War and are not present in great numbers.

The Sites

The Burning Storm
This storm is thousands of miles in diameter and grows each year. Here, the forces of the Paraelemental Plane of Sun fly into the Plane of Rain. The armies of sun are fighting to exterminate the creatures who serve the Paraelemental Plane of Rain. There are rain soldiers and paraelementals in massive quantities protecting their home from sun troops. It is said that one of the Paraelemental Lords of Rain stays close by to defend the plane, but it is impossible to know if this is true because Lords of Rain look like large rainstorms.
The burning storm is surrounded by smaller storms that trap the forces of sun and scatter them when possible. Some storms attempt to direct sun troops into traps laid by the forces of rain. Even with these powerful forces available, the forces of rain are losing the war. Without some great change, the burning rain of the storm may overtake the plane.

The Great Deluge
This huge storm cloud pours in rain from the Elemental Plane of Water. This huge storm has existed for a thousand years and is hundreds of feet wide. In the center of the storm is a portal to the Paraelemental Plane of Water. This is where the Lords of Water send relief and aid to the desperate Plane of Rain and ask little in return. There were once huge storms like this all over the Plane of Rain, but no longer.
Creatures attempting to pass through the Great Deluge without permission of the Paraelemental Lords suffer 1d6 x 10 points of damage per round, from lightning attacks. In addition, they must succeed at a bend bars/ lift gates roll. If successful, the creature can move through the storm, or escape back into the Plane of Rain. If unsuccessful, the victim has a percentile chance of going insane. The first two rounds, there is no chance of going insane. Each additional round adds 5% to the characters chance. The DM is encouraged to use the Random Insanity Chart on page 88 of Player's Option: Spells and Magic.

The Rainbow Citadel
A large circular fortress made of magical light. The walls of the fortress are not solid and act as a prismatic sphere if passed through. The fortress is patrolled by Jann and paraelementals. Around the citadel is a hallow spherical storm that always rains onto the citadel.
Inside the Rainbow Citadel are hundreds of workers and soldiers, making weapons and training for war. There are breeding grounds for rain drakes and wyverns. There are about six thousand Jann living in the Rainbow Citadel, but this figure changes with troop movements. About a tenth of that number are permanent residents.
The citadel has an additional rainbow wall at the heart of the fortress. The heart of the fortress houses a powerful Jann Amir, who is advised by other jann, paraelementals, and a single swanmay.

The Sphere of Ooze
This portal to the Paraelemental of Silt appears as a sphere of mud thousands of miles in diameter. Here, rain troops fight silt troops in an endless battle. The Sphere of Ooze grows each each, as the forces of rain are pushed back by the endless forces of silt. It is said that one of the Paraelemental Lords of Rain stays close by to defend the plane, but it is impossible to know if this is true because Lords of Rain look like large rainstorms.
This battlefield is where the last centuries of swanmays fight to defend their home. They are fierce and dedicated, but they are losing. Support is always available, but if something doesn't soon change, the forces of Rain will be destroyed. If this happens, the Plane of Rain will become a large extension of the Plane of Silt.

Post Prism Pentad 

Rajaat was able to open a semi-stable portal to the Elemental Plane of Water and the Paraelemental Plane of Rain. Normally this portal would have collapsed with the defeat of the first sorcerer, but Tithian's essense complicated matters and kept the portal open. This portal feeds the Cerulean Storm.
This powerful manifestation of rain and water on Athas is strengthening the Elemental Plane of Water and the Paraelemental Plane of Rain. The Planes of Water and Rain have no desire to dissipate the Cerulean Storm. They will send priests and other servants to stop anyone attempting to do so.

Part Eight will cover the Paraelemental Plane of Silt.

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