
Tuesday, August 17, 2021

New Potion Fruits 02


Durian Fruit
Potion fruits are one of the most interesting differences between Dark Sun and other TSR settings. Although it is a simple difference, I believe it adds something special and unique to the Dark Sun World. Also, the ability to, possibly, grow more magical fruits is a major bonus. In the process of growing more fruits, you risk losing all of them, which is another harsh Dark Sun trait.
I my game, I choose to not have potion fruits rot. This means the group may find them in ancient ruins or modern complexes. If you choose to have potion fruits rot in your game, I would suggest making them rot a lot slower than fruits in the real world.
I had a lot of fun creating new potions in my last potion fruit article and it appeared to be a popular article as well. So, I have created some more using more exotic fruits. All of the fruits are real and more information can easily be gathered about them. I hope you enjoy them.

Use the chart below to randomly choose the type of fruit, color of fruit, and potion type. Roll as many times as you like, or just choose the best combination for your game.

Potion Fruits
Roll Fruit Color Potion
01 Durian Red Land Restoration
02 Apricot Pink The Jhakar
03 Horned Cucumber Orange Reduce
04 Physalis Yellow Hydration
05Rambutan Green Mental Regeneration
06Ackee Blu Illumination
07 Miracle Fruit Purple Elemental Transformation
08 Cherimoya Vermilion Poison Detection
09 Jackfruit Magenta Silence
10 Ironwood Fruit Violet Quickness
11 Almond Fruit Teal Silt Breathing
12 Blueberry Chartreuse Truthfulness
13 Plum Amber Darkvision
14 Doum Fruit Two Horizontal Colors Camouflage
15Magaria Fruit Two Vertical Colors Silk Skin
16 Desert Gourd Polka Dotted Sand Skin
17 Myrtle Berries Three Colors Bone Skin
18 Cucumber Striped Tracking
19Tomato Black Clairsentience
20 Sweet Pepper White Conjuration

Potion Descriptions

1. Bone Skin: This potion changes the color of ingester's skin to a pale ivory. For 3d4 rounds, the ingester receives 5 less damage from all slashing weapons. Once the potion wears off, the ingester's skin color returns to its normal hue.

2. Camouflage: This potion changes the ingester's skin, clothing, and equipment to match their surroundings. The ingester is granted a 10% bonus to hide in shadows for 2d12 minutes. Once the potion wears off, the ingester's skin, clothing, and equipment returns to their normal hue.

3. Clairsentience: The ingester of this potion is granted a +2 bonus to all die rolls related to clairsentient psionic powers. In addition, clairsentient psionic powers cost 1 less PSP to initiate and maintain, to a minimum of 1. These effects last 3d6 rounds.

4. Conjuration: The ingester of this potion is granted a bonus when casting conjuration spells for 3d4 rounds. All conjuration spells cast by the ingester, after the potion is ingested, have double the normal duration or double the normal range, caster's choice.

5. Darkvision: This potion grants the ingester darkvision, with a range of sixty feet. If the ingester already has darkvision, the range is doubled. This effect lasts 1d4 hours.

6. Elemental Transformation: This potion turns the ingester into a 8HD elemental. The type of elemental is determined by rolling 1d8. 1. Air; 2. Earth; 3. Fire; 4. Magma; 5. Rain; 6. Silt; 7. Sun; 8. Water. This effect lasts 2d8 rounds, or until the elemental is reduced to zero hit points. If slain in elemental form, or when the potion time expires, the ingester returns to their normal form and only 25% of the damage the elemental received is transferred to the ingester.

7. Hydration: This potion allows the ingester to be fully hydrated for 2d4 days. During this time, the ingester will not take any penalties for dehydration. Once the time has elapsed, the ingester must only drink as much water as if the ingester had drunk the normal amount of water to stay hydrated for the number of days the potion was active.

8. Illumination: This potion causes the ingesters skin to glow for 1d12 hours. The glow will light an area 30 feet around the ingester. The glow may be concealed with thick clothing, but must cover every portion of exposed skin, including the face.

9. Land Restoration: This potion is not to be ingested. Doing so causes vomiting and stomach cramps for 1d4+1 rounds. The ingester is unable to make any offensive action while vomiting. If this potion is scattered onto land, however, it is able to restore the land after defiling magic has been used there. One dose of this potion is able to restore twenty-five square feet. The potion improves the terrain type by one, for example: Barren becomes Infertile, Infertile becomes Fertile, etc.. See page 12 of Defilers and Preservers: The Wizards of Athas, for terrain type chart. If an area is already Lush, this potion does nothing. These effects are permanent.

10. Mental Regeneration: This potion allows the ingester to regain twice the normal amount of PSPs for 1d12 hours.

11. Poison Detection: This potion fruit will rot immediately if touched by an item, generally food or drink, infused with poison. Ingesting the potion does nothing.

12. Quickness: This potion grants a -2 bonus to the ingester's initiative for 2d12 rounds.

13. Reduce: This potion reduces the ingester as the reverse of the wizard spell enlarge. There are different degrees of this potion (Roll a d4, or DM's option): 1. Ingester shrinks by 50%; 2. Ingester skrinks by 70%; 3. Ingester shrinks by 80%; 4. Ingester shrinks by 90%. If taken forcefully, the ingester is allowed a saving throw vs spell to avoid the effects. If the target is tricked into ingesting the potion, the target does not get a saving throw. This effect lasts 3d4 rounds.

14. Sand Skin: This potion changes the color of ingester's skin to a sandy brown. For 3d4 rounds, the ingester receives 5 less damage from all bashing weapons. Once the potion wears off, the ingester's skin color returns to its normal hue.

15. Silence: This potion causes all sound coming around the ingester to be dampened. The range of this sound dampening effect is 1 inch. The ingester is granted a 10% bonus to move silently for 2d12 minutes.

16. Silk Skin: This potion changes the color of ingester's skin to a pale, shiny tan. For 3d4 rounds, the ingester receives 5 less damage from all piercing weapons. Once the potion wears off, the ingester's skin color returns to its normal hue.

17. Silt Breathing: This potion grants the ingester the ability to breath normally in silt for 1 hour. There is a 75% chance that the potion may be shared between two ingesters and a 25% chance that the potion may be shared between four ingesters.

18. The Jhakar: This potion turns the ingester into a jhakar for 1d4 hours. The jhakar's physical stats are identical to the jhakar found on page 59 of Monstrous Compendium Apendix II: Terrors Beyond Tyr. The jhakar's mental stats are those of the ingester. The jhakar is incapable of speech or spell casting, but psionics may still be available, per DM discretion. If the ingester is reduced to zero hit points while in jhakar form, the ingester immediately returns to their normal form and only 25% of the damage the jhakar took is transferred to the ingester.

19. Tracking: This potion grants the ingester a +2 bonus on all tracking non-weapon proficiency checks for 3d6 hours.

20. Truthfulness: This potion forces the ingester to speak the truth for 3 minutes. The ingester is unable to lie through commission or omission. The truth will be however, from the point of view of the ingester. For example: If the ingester truly believes Hamanu is a god, they will be able to state it as a truthful fact. If a target is forced to ingest the potion, they are allowed a saving throw vs spell to avoid its effects. If the target is tricked into ingesting it, however, the target is not allowed a saving throw.

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