
Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Session Ninety-Two: The Ringing Mountains

The group followed Fain, their guide, up the mountain path, their pack bearers followed behind them. They walked for hours in near silence, with Kraah flying a short distance ahead, to scout. Any conversation they had with Fain was rebuked. He told them that he was their to guide them, not make friends with them.
Raco was walking near a ledge, when it suddenly gave way. He slid down, but was able to catch himself before he fell too far. Cheet and Dimitria were the closest to him and they tired to help, but he was too heavy to lift.
Then, Cheet slipped and nearly fell herself. Yusef was trying to help, but was standing far away from the edge. He tossed a rope to Cheet.
Samsun pulled and Kraah pushed Raco back up to safety. Yusef and Dimitria pulled Cheet to safety, with the rope. Fain scolded them for not staying away from the edge. Dimitria and Raco complained that he hadn't told them that earlier. Fain replied that he thought they were smart enough to know, but he had obviously been wrong.
They walked for a few more hours, when Kraah called out a warning. There were gith ahead. Fain ran back down the path a little way and used his gray and brown cloak to blend into the rocks. Raco attempted to use the way, but his brain had an overload and he fell unconscious. 

The gith leapt into battle and began attacking the party. Two gith archers were shooting down at the group and the group realized that this was a planned ambush. The archers were focusing their fire at Kraah. The gith picked up Raco's body and threw him off of the cliff. Thinking quickly, Cheet cast levitate on him. 
Kraah grabbed Raco's body and used it as a battering ram, slamming him into a couple of gith. The gith tried to throw Raco back at Kraah, but missed. Raco began floating away from the mountain. Yusef managed to push a gith off the cliff and Samsun threw one off. The pack bearers and Shada used clubs to beat one of the gith to death, Fain assisted with a bone dagger.
Once all of the gith on the path were dead, Kraah attacked the archers. Yusef climbed up the cliff face to assist him. Without their ground warriors to assist, the archers were quickly dealt with. Kraah then flew off and retrieved Raco.
The group used the elemental magics of Kraah, Samsun, and Dimitria to heal themselves and their pack bearers. The vultures were starting to gather, so the group took what little money the gith had and continued on. Raco woke after an hour.
The group walked for a couple more hours and decided to make camp. Despite not having a fire, an elf sneaked into their camp and tried to steal Dimitria's iron spear. Raco spotted him, however, and chased him off. 

Day 2, Week 1, Dessalia, Friend's Vengeance, 190th King's Age, Sun Descending

Once the group had awakened, they distributed erdlu eggs and rations of water. Samsun and Kraah preached their sermons, praising air and water. Shada listen intently to Kraah and encouraged his pack bearer friends to listen as well.
They began walking shortly after breakfast and came upon a rockslide that was blocking the trail. The group discussed using the Lord of the Legs to create a dimensional doorway to bypass the slide, but Fain scolded them and called them selfish. He reminded them, that once the pack bearers were finished with their duty, they would return to the village below. How would they possibly get there, with this rockslide blocking their path? 

The group felt appropriately rebuked and spent four hours clearing the slide. Yusef didn't want to clear the slide, but the rest of the group bullied him into helping. Even after the bullying, Yusef did the bare minimum required of him. After the slide was cleared, everyone, except Raco, was exhausted. The group rested for an hour and then continued up the path.
After walking for a few more hours, Kraah spotted a flock of kes'trekels flying towards them. Fain immediately hid beneath his camouflaged cloak. Everyone else tried to hide, but with the exception of Yusef, they were terrible at it. Cheet used magic to turn one of the pack bearers invisible. She tried to claim it was psionics, but they recognized that she was casting magic. They shouted that she was a defiler and fled down the mountain path. Even though they had food and water with them, the group let them go. Luckily, Fain and Shada did not notice her spell casting.
Cheet then told Shada to cover his head and close his eyes, while she used psionics to hide him. When he did so, she turned him invisible. Dimitria used her own druidic magic to meld with the mountain side. Kraah used his elemental magic to create a magical barrier, to protect them from the kes'trekels. Only one kes'trekel was able to breach the barrier. Samsun grabbed the bird and crushed it to death. He decided to keep it for food.
Realizing that they could not attack the group, the rest of the kes'trekel flock departed. Once the group was sure they were gone, Kraah lowered the barrier and the group continued up the mountain.

Join us soon for another exciting session of Adventures Under the Dark Sun. 
2nd edition AD&D Dark Sun Cast of Player Characters 
Dimitria: Human female druid. 20 years old. Played by Mary. Speaks Urikite, Raamin, and Tyrian.
Raco: Mul male psychometbolist. 20 years old. Played by Dave. Speaks Dwarf and Tyrian.
Samsun: Half-Giant water cleric/fighter. 37 years old. Played by Ben. Speaks Giant and Tyrian.
Kraah: Aarakocra air cleric.17 years old. Played by Chad. Speaks Aarakocra, Tyrian, Balician, and Gulgish.
Cheet: Human female preserver. 24 years old. Played by my wife. Speaks Drajish and Tyrian.
Yusef: Human male thief. 24 years old. NPC party member. Speaks Tyrian, Nibnese, and Urikite.

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