
Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Athasian Disease Part One

Athasians are generally a hardy lot, but can still be overcome by disease. Athasians do not have a concept of germ theory and the idea of tiny creatures causing illness would likely be met with skepticism at best, or accusations of magic use at worst. However, even without this knowledge, herbalists and natural healers can treat and cure many diseases that athasians have to deal with throughout their lives.
Whether the disease is caused by a virus, bacteria, or parasite, they may all be cured with the proper application of clerical magic. Cure Disease can cure any natural disease or infection. In the eyes of the elemental lords, there is no difference. Some diseases may be slower to heal, even with the application of magic, but the disease will not progress. No matter their source, all diseases and infections will be simply called diseases in this article.
Diseases are categorized by the effects of the victims body. Blood, bones, brain, cardiovascular, connective tissue, ears, eyes, lungs, mucous membranes, muscles, nose & throat, skin, stomach, urinary tract, or the whole body can be affected by any number of diseases or infections. Specific names of diseases differ between various city-states, if they are named at all. Athasians see a stomach problem and treat it as a stomach problem, not as e.coli or salmonella poisoning.
When exposed to a disease, a player character must make a saving throw vs poison with a bonus or penalty equal to their hit point adjustment modifier. If successful, the character has avoided the disease for twenty-four hours. If exposed again after that time, the character must make another saving throw for the next twenty-four hour period. If the saving throw fails, the character has contracted the disease. Every athasian week (fifteen days), the character has a chance to make another saving throw to shake off the disease. This second saving throw is made will a bonus, or penalty, based upon the severity of the symptoms. Mild symptoms have a +2 bonus, moderate symptoms have no bonus or penalty, and severe symptoms have a -2 penalty.
Diseases can have mild, moderate, or severe effects. If a character fails their saving throw by one to four points, mild symptoms will occur. If a character fails their saving throw by five to nine points, moderate symptoms will occur. If a character fails their saving throw by ten or more points, severe symptoms will occur.

Diseases have an incubation period after a character is infected, in which the character does not know they are infected and feel no ill effects. During this time, they are generally not able to pass the disease onto others. After the incubation period, every symptom and effect of the disease is evident and the disease carrier is more likely to pass on the infection to those around them. The DM will determine, based upon the disease, if those near the diseased will need to make a saving throw to avoid becoming infected themselves. Most diseases cause a temporary loss of ability points, which return one point per day upon being cured of the disease.

Blood diseases cause fatigue and weakness. Blood diseases generally have an incubation period of one to three weeks.
Mild symptoms will cause a loss of one point of strength per athasian week (fifteen days) of infection. If not treated and the character's strength drops to zero, they die.
Moderate symptoms will cause a loss of one point of strength and constitution per athasian week (fifteen days) of infection. If not treated and the character's strength or constitution drops to one half, a system shock roll must be made by the infected character. If this roll fails, they die. If successful, the character will die if their strength or constitution reaches zero.
Severe symptoms will cause a loss of one point of strength and constitution every seven days of infection. If not treated and the character's strength or constitution drops to one half, a system shock roll must be made with a 5% penalty. If this roll fails, the character dies. If successful, the character will die if their strength or constitution reaches zero.

Bone diseases cause pain and loss of strength. Bone diseases generally have an incubation period of two to four weeks.
Mild symptoms will cause a loss of one point of constitution every seven days of infection. If not treated and the character's constitution drops to zero, they die.
Moderate symptoms will cause a loss of one point of strength and constitution every seven days of infection. If not treated and the character's strength or constitution drops to one half, a system shock roll must be made by the infected character. If this roll fails, they die. If successful, the character will die if their strength or constitution reaches zero.
Severe symptoms will cause a loss of one point of strength and constitution every three days of infection. If not treated and the character's strength or constitution drops to one half, a system shock roll must be made. If this roll fails, the character dies. If successful, the character will die if their strength or constitution reaches zero.

Brain diseases affect the brain and nervous system of a character. They cause headaches, fever, involuntary movements, and confusion. Brain diseases have an incubation period of two to fourteen days.
Mild symptoms will cause a loss of one point of intelligence every five days of infection. If not treated and the character's intelligence drops to zero, they die.
Moderate symptoms will cause a loss of one point of intelligence and dexterity every five days of infection. If not treated and the character's intelligence or dexterity drops to one half, a system shock roll must be made by the infected character. If this roll fails, the character loses one point of intelligence or dexterity permanently, character's choice. If successful, the character will die if their intelligence or dexterity reaches zero.
Severe symptoms will cause a loss of one point of intelligence, one point of dexterity, and one point of wisdom every five days of infection. If not treated and the character's intelligence, dexterity, or wisdom drops to one half, a system shock roll must be made. If this roll fails, the character loses one point of intelligence, dexterity, or wisdom permanently, character's choice. If successful, the character will die if their intelligence or dexterity (not wisdom) reaches zero.

Cardiovascular diseases cause fatigue, chest pain, and shortness of breath. The incubation period of cardiovascular diseases is often three to nine athasian weeks.
Mild symptoms will cause a loss of one point of constitution every athasian week of infection. If not treated and the character's constitution drops to zero, they die.
Moderate symptoms will cause a loss of one point of strength and constitution every athasian week of infection. If not treated and the character's strength or constitution drops to one half, a system shock roll must be made by the infected character. If this roll fails, the character dies. If successful, the character will die if their strength or constitution reaches zero.
Severe symptoms will cause a loss of one point of strength and constitution every athasian week of infection. In addition, the character will suffer extreme pain, taking double damage from every physical source of damage. If not treated and the character's strength or constitution drops to one half, a system shock roll must be made. If this roll fails, the character dies. If successful, the character will die if their strength or constitution reaches zero.

Connective tissue diseases will cause joint pain and muscle weakness. The incubation period of connective tissue disorders varies widely in as little as two weeks, or up to seven months.
Mild symptoms will cause a loss of one point of dexterity every athasian month of infection. If not treated and the character's dexterity drops to zero, they are paralyzed.
Moderate symptoms will cause a loss of one point of strength and dexterity every athasian month of infection. If not treated and the character's strength or dexterity drops to one half, a system shock roll must be made by the infected character. If this roll fails, the character permanently loses one point of strength or dexterity, character's choice. If successful, the character will be paralyzed if their dexterity reaches zero, or dead if their strength reaches zero.
Severe symptoms will cause a loss of one point of strength and dexterity every two athasian weeks of infection. In addition, the character will suffer extreme pain in their joints, dropping weapons and other tools on a natural attack roll of 1 to 3 (even if the attack hits). If not treated and the character's strength or dexterity drops to one half, a system shock roll must be made. If this roll fails, the character permanently loses one point of strength or dexterity, character's choice. If successful, the character will be paralyzed if their dexterity reaches zero, or dead if their strength reaches zero.

Ear diseases will cause ear pain, headache, loss of hearing, and loss of balance. The incubation period of ear diseases is generally one to fifteen days.
Mild symptoms will cause a loss of one point of phantom constitution every athasian week of infection. Phantom ability points are not actually lost, but must be kept track of as if they were being lost. If not treated and the character's phantom constitution drops to zero, they are rendered permanently deaf in the infected ear.
Moderate symptoms will cause a loss of two points of phantom constitution every athasian week of infection. Phantom ability points are not actually lost, but must be kept track of as if they were being lost. If not treated and the character's phantom constitution drops to zero, they are rendered permanently deaf in the infected ear.
Severe symptoms will cause a loss of two points of phantom constitution every athasian week of infection. Phantom ability points are not actually lost, but must be kept track of as if they were being lost. In addition, the character must make a saving throw vs poison every week, or the disease spreads. On a failed saving throw, the character will have a brain disease, as well as the ear disease. If not treated and the character's phantom constitution drops to zero, they are rendered permanently deaf in the infected ear.

Eye diseases will cause eye dryness, headache, blurred vision, and night blindness. The incubation period of ear diseases is generally one to three days. Eye diseases can easily spread to a character's second eye. Every ten days, the character must make a saving throw vs poison, or have an eye disease in both eyes.
Mild symptoms will cause a loss of one point of phantom constitution every ten days of infection. Phantom ability points are not actually lost, but must be kept track of as if they were being lost. If not treated and the character's phantom constitution drops to zero, they are rendered permanently blind in the infected eye.
Moderate symptoms will cause a loss of two points of phantom constitution every ten days of infection. Phantom ability points are not actually lost, but must be kept track of as if they were being lost. If not treated and the character's phantom constitution drops to zero, they are rendered permanently blind in the infected eye.
Severe symptoms will cause a loss of two points of phantom constitution every athasian week of infection. Phantom ability points are not actually lost, but must be kept track of as if they were being lost. In addition, the character must make a saving throw vs poison every twenty days, or the disease spreads. On a failed saving throw, the character will have a brain disease (60% of the time) or an ear disease (40% of the time), as well as the eye disease. If not treated and the character's phantom constitution drops to zero, they are rendered permanently blind in the infected eye.

Part Two will include lungs, mucous membranes, muscles, nose & throat, skin, stomach, urinary tract, and the whole body.

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