Lung diseases will cause eye shortness of breath, cough, headache, and fatigue. The incubation period of lung diseases is generally two to fifteen days.
Mild symptoms will cause a loss of one point of constitution every seven days of infection. If not treated and the character's constitution drops to zero, they die.
Moderate symptoms will cause a loss of two points constitution every seven days of infection. If not treated and the character's constitution drops to zero, they die.
Severe symptoms will cause a loss of two points of constitution every three days of infection. If not treated and the character's constitution drops to one half, a system shock roll must be made. If this roll fails, the character loses one point of constitution permanently. If successful, the character will die if their constitution reaches zero.
Mucous membrane diseases will cause dry mouth, mouth and throat pain, thick and bloody mucous, open sores in mouth and throat, and painful swallowing. The incubation period of mucous membrane diseases is generally five to ten days.
Mild symptoms will cause a loss of one point of constitution every month of infection. After six months, the symptoms will become moderate. If the character's constitution drops to zero, they die.
Moderate symptoms will cause a loss of one point of constitution every month of infection. In addition, the infected character must succeed at a saving throw vs poison everyday, or be unable to eat and drink that day due to pain. After six months, the symptoms wil become severe. If the character's constitution drops to zero, they die.
Severe symptoms will cause a loss of one point of constitution every athasian week of infection. In addition, the infected character must succeed at a saving throw vs poison everyday, or be unable to eat and drink that day due to pain. Also, the character's mouth becomes so overwhelmed with thick blood and mucous, they begin to drown if the are laid down, whether voluntary or involuntary. If the character's constitution drops to zero, they die.
Muscle diseases will cause weakness, fatgiue, and paralysis. The incubation period of muscle diseases is generally two to fourteen days.
Mild symptoms will cause a loss of one point of strength every athasian week of infection. If the character's strength drops to zero, they become paralyzed.
Moderate symptoms will cause a loss of one point of strength and dexterity every athasian week of infection. If the character's strength or dexterity drops to zero, they become paralyzed.
Severe symptoms will cause a loss of two points of strength and dexterity every athasian week of infection. If the character's strength or dexterity drops to zero, they become paralyzed.
Nose and Throat diseases will cause headache, runny nose, cough, and fatigue. The incubation period of nose and throat diseases is generally seven to fourteen days.
Mild symptoms will cause a loss of one point of constitution every month of infection. An infected character loses their sense of smell until cured. If the character's constitution drops to zero, they die.
Moderate symptoms will cause a loss of one point of constitution every month of infection. An infected character loses their senses of smell and taste until cured. A character's move silently and hide in shadows is reduced by 10%, due to coughing. If the character's constitution drops to zero, they die.
Severe symptoms will cause a loss of one point of constitution every athasian week of infection. An infected character loses their senses of smell and taste until cured. A character's move silently and hide in shadows is reduced by 20%, due to coughing. If the character's constitution drops to zero, they die.
Skin diseases will cause fever, chills, redness and swelling of the skin, and boils. The incubation period of skin diseases is generally four to ten days.
Mild symptoms will cause a loss of one point of charisma every athaisan week of infection. An infected character must succeed at a saving throw vs poison every month of infection. If this save fails, the character loses one point of charisma permanently.
Moderate symptoms will cause a loss of one point of charisma and constitution every athaisan week of infection. An infected character must succeed at a saving throw vs poison every month of infection. If this save fails, the character loses one point of charisma permanently. If the character's constitution drops to zero, they die.
Severe symptoms will cause a loss of one point of constitution and two points of charisma every seven days of infection. An infected character must succeed at a saving throw vs poison every athasian week of infection. If this save fails, the character loses one point of charisma permanently. If the character's constitution drops to zero, they die.
Stomach diseases will cause nausea, vomiting, fever, dehydration, and diarrhea. The incubation period of stomach diseases is generally one to seven days.
Mild symptoms will cause a loss of one point of constitution every athaisan week of infection. If a character's constitution reaches zero, they die.
Moderate symptoms will cause a loss of one point of constitution every athaisan week of infection. In addition, the infected character must succeed at a saving throw vs poison everyday, or be unable to eat and drink that day due to vomiting. If a character's constitution reaches zero, they die.
Severe symptoms will cause a loss of one point of constitution every seven days of infection. In addition, the infected character must succeed at a saving throw vs poison everyday, or be unable to eat and drink that day due to vomiting. If a character's constitution reaches zero, they die.
Urinary tract diseases will cause painful urination, blood in urine, persistant urge to urinate, and pelic pain. The incubation period of urinary tract diseases is generally three to eight days.
Mild symptoms will cause a loss of one point of constitution every month of infection. If a character's constitution reaches zero, they die.
Moderate symptoms will cause a loss of one point of constitution every athaisan week of infection. An infected character must drink extra fluids in order to stay hydrated. A character's water intake is multiplied by 1.5, so a normal human would need a gallon and a half of water per day and half giant would need six. If a character's constitution reaches zero, they die.
Severe symptoms will cause a loss of two points of constitution every athasian week of infection. An infected character must drink extra fluids in order to stay hydrated. A character's water intake is doubled, so a normal human would need two gallons of water and a half-giant would need eight. If a character's constitution reaches zero, they die.
Whole body diseases will cause fever, runny nose, weakness, fatigue, limb swelling, and skin tenderness. The incubation period of whole body diseases is generally ten to fifteen days.
Mild symptoms will cause mild fatigue and fever, but will not cause the loss of ability scores. However, the disease is easily able to spread to other portions of the body. Every athasian week, the character must succeed at a saving throw vs poison, or a random portion of the body becomes diseased as well. Roll 2d8 to determine infected area: 1-2 Blood,3 bones, 4 brain, 5-6 cardiovascular, 7 connective tissue, 8 ears, 9 eyes, 10-11 lungs, 12 mucous membranes, 13 muscles, 14 nose & throat, 15 skin, stomach, 16 urinary tract.
Moderate symptoms will cause fatigue, fever, runny nose, weakness, and slight skin tenderness, but will not cause the loss of ability scores. However, the disease is easily able to spread to other portions of the body. Every seven days, the character must succeed at a saving throw vs poison, or a random portion of the body becomes diseased as well. Roll 2d8 to determine infected area: 1-2 Blood,3 bones, 4 brain, 5-6 cardiovascular, 7 connective tissue, 8 ears, 9 eyes, 10-11 lungs, 12 mucous membranes, 13 muscles, 14 nose & throat, 15 skin, stomach, 16 urinary tract.
Severe symptoms will cause the loss of one point of dexterity every seven days, due to limb swelling. The disease is easily able to spread to other portions of the body. Every five days, the character must succeed at a saving throw vs poison, or a random portion of the body becomes diseased as well. Roll 2d8 to determine infected area: 1-2 Blood,3 bones, 4 brain, 5-6 cardiovascular, 7 connective tissue, 8 ears, 9 eyes, 10-11 lungs, 12 mucous membranes, 13 muscles, 14 nose & throat, 15 skin, stomach, 16 urinary tract.
Part Three will cover curing and treating diseases.
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