
Thursday, November 24, 2022

Turkey, Intelligent

In honor of Thanksgiving, the United States holiday, I gave stats for the Athasian Turkey, which is mentioned in the Veiled Alliance sourcebook. This year, I present the intelligent version of the terrible beast.
Happy Thanksgiving! 

Turkey, Intelligent
Climate/TerrainForest, Scrub Plains
FrequencyVery Rare
Activity CycleDay
IntelligenceHigh (13-14)
No. Appearing1-12
Armor Class6
Movement12 fl 9
Hit Dice5+5
No. of Attacks1
Damage/ Attack1-6, 1, or by weapon
Special AttackPoison
Special DefenseNil
Magic ResistanceNil
SizeS (3' + tall)
MoraleElite (13-14)
XP Value2,000

Psionic Summary
Level: Wild Talent
Dis/Sci/Dev: 1/1/1
Attack/Defense: -
Score: 11
PSPs: 36
Psychokinetic: Telekinesis, Animate Object

Intelligent Turkey

Intelligent turkeys appear exactly like wild turkeys, but don't act like their dumb cousins.
Intelligent turkeys are able to fly and prefer to nest in the branches of trees. Intelligent turkeys can fly, but only in short bursts, being forced to land every 1d4 rounds.
Intelligent turkeys have excellent eyesight and reduce, by 5%, a character's chance of hiding in shadows and are only surprised on a roll of 1 or 2.
Intelligent turkeys speak a minimum of five languages.

Intelligent turkeys uses their vicious serrated beak that inflicts 1d6 points of damage and a wicked spur on the back of its legs that inflicts only 1 point of damage. These spurs contain type C poison with an immediate onset time. The turkey cannot attack with both beak and spur in the same round, so it usually attacks with whatever is more practical.
Intelligent turkeys have been known to attach wrist razors to their legs, or throw javelins, from the safety of a ledge or tree.

Intelligent turkeys prefer to mate with other intelligent turkey's, but can mate with their dumber cousins. If mating with dumb turkeys, males must do a special courtship dance. During this dance, male turkeys fan out their tail feathers, puff up their body feathers and display their brightly colored waddles in an effort to win a female. Intelligent turkey females rarely require male intelligent turkeys to dance for them.
After mating, the females seek out a good nesting spot. Turkeys lay their eggs in ground nests. They choose nest areas that are covered by brush to help prevent detection by predators. The female turkey lays an egg each day in her nest for up to 11 days. The eggs take about 28 days to hatch. Baby turkeys are helpless for six months.
If an intelligent turkey mates with another intelligent turkey, only one egg will be laid and the offspring is always intelligent. If an intelligent turkey mates with a dumb turkey, there is only a 10% chance the offspring will be intelligent. If the offspring is intelligent, only one egg with be laid.
Intelligent turkeys feel the need to lead their dumber cousins and keep them safe from harm. If a wild turkey is caught, an intelligent turkey will seek to free them. Intelligent turkeys are embarrassed by domestic turkeys and leave them to their fate.

Turkey meat is white and mild tasting. It is desirable by the upper-classes because it easily takes on the flavor of the spices it's cooked with. An intelligent turkey provides six pounds of meat and one-half pound of marketable feathers, the same as a wild turkey.

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