My Gallery

Original Artwork
Done by me, not including coloring pages.
All images © Brent Welborn

Khopesh drawn in pencil.
Aziza Din drawn in pencil.

Aziza Din drawn with pencil, inked with pen, and colored with Gimp.
Mul drawn with pencil, inked with pen, colored with Gimp.
Mood drawing drawn and colored with Wacom Bamboo Tablet.
Heavy Crodlu drawn with pencil, inked with pen, colored with GIMP.
Youncalla, Wizard of Tyr (Back)
Yoncalla, Wizard of Tyr (Front)

Drawn with pencil, inked with pen, colored with Gimp.
Drawn with pencil, inked with pen, colored with Gimp.
My top heavy character, Kalino. I did not do this well.

A girl with a smirk.

The Eye of Earth. This was a doodle I did at work. I decided to make it part of my campaign, because I thought it looked cool, and a little creepy.

Civilized Ogre. I cannot get the colors to scan as well as I'd like.
Drawn with Pencil and Colored with Colored Pencils.