Julius: Human male psychokinetic. Played by Dave.
Alaxander: Human male psychokinetic. Played by Ben.
Kalino: Human male fighter/preserver. Played by DM.
Vashti: Human female clairsentient/water cleric. Played by my wife.
Guacamole: Pterran male ranger. Played by Clyde.
Note: Clyde's wife made plans for him on our game day, so my 7 year old son played his character instead. Clyde had failed to name his character, so my son did that for him too.
Day 1, Week 1, Dominary, Friend's Vengeance, 190th King's Age, High Sun
It was high sun. Alexander, Julius, Agathon, and Cletus were sharing a slave wagon as it travelled toward Tyr. The wagon had bone bars and a wood floor. The top was bone and canvas, but the angle of the sun prevented the men inside from benefiting from the shade it provided. Guacamole, Vashti, Demetrius, and Salvador were in the same scenario. Although they had benefited from Vashti's extra water ration per day.
The caravan was eleven wagons, pulled by kanks. The slavers were keeping a close watch on the slaves, but when a sand storm threatened them on the horizon, they had no choice but to roll protective canvas flaps down in front if the slave cages. They sandstorm could scour the skin off their slaves and they would not sell for very much then. They slavers then hid themselves away to wait out the storm.
A sandstorm? Now's our chance. |