Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Session One Hundred Fifteen: Fort Iron

The group arrived in the stony barrens near Fort Iron. The group asked Rafiq what the plan was and they started discussing the particularities of Rafiq's plan. Rafiq's plan was more of an idea, so they spent a few minutes figuring out what they were going to do. 
Rafiq and Yusef decided to go spread the rumor that Tyr was going to be attacking Urik soon. Selia and Dimitria would go into the fort and purchase some clothing, armor, and other equipment for Ali. Ali hated taking money from Dimitria, but Dimitria told him to stop being ridiculous.
Yusef gave Clavis ten ceramic pieces and told him to go do whatever he wanted. Clavis was confused and said he would do whatever Yusef told him to do. Yusef said that Clavis was a free man and could do what he wanted to do. Clavis was confused, so he sat down.

Rafiq changed into some nice clothes and he and Rafiq were allowed into the trade fort without question. The guards stopped Drimitra, Selia, and Ali, because none of them were dressed well. Ali spoke Urikite and was able to translate for Dimitria and Selia.
The guards were concerned that Dimirtia, Selia, and Ali were drifters, thieves, or worse, beggars. They only wanted paying customers to enter the trade fort. Dimitria showed that she carried a few silver pieces, so the guards allowed them to pass. 
The fort had slave cages on the right and various open booths to the left. The booths sold various items of value. Weapons and armor caught their eye, but there was also numerous trade goods on display. Rafiq and Yusef went strait to the booth selling ale and purchased a few mugs. There were a half dozen men and women drinking under the shade cloth provided by the trading house. Yusef and Rafiq started spreading rumors about Tyr attacking Urik. They were generous, purchasing mugs for the other people.
Dimitria and Selia began purchasing goods for Ali. They purchased him better clothing, but not so nice that he would look like a noble. They also purchased a scimitar for his hip and a hide breastplate. They then purchased him some common traveling supplies. He thanked them profusely.

Clavis got bored, so he went to the trade fort. One of the guards recognized him and was a big fan. He was allowed into the fort. Clavis went straight to the food stand and purchased a lot of meat and ale. He sat down in the shade to eat and drink his fill.
After spreading rumors for awhile, Rafiq wanted to trade a two handed copper sword he was carrying. The merchants offered to barter, but he wanted coins and none of the merchants had that many coins with them. Rafiq went to the House Stel warehouse and was able to trade the sword for eight hundred ceramic pieces worth of House Stel credit. These were given to him in a set of specialized clay tiles.
Rafiq had the idea that he could use the House Stel credit to hire mercenaries to start a riot in Urik and have them pretend to be Tyrians, by waving a Tyrian banner Rafiq was in possession of. He was preparing to teleport there, but Yusef interrupted him. While perusing the slave pens, he discovered that some of the slaves were children. Yusef asked Rafiq for some of the credit tiles, so he could free the children, and Rafiq agreed. He gave Yusef half of the ceramic tiles. Yusef thanked him.
Rafiq thought he still had enough credit to complete his plan, but before he could teleport, Dimitria approached him and ask for some of the credit tiles to purchase supplies for the Lost Oasis and her guarded lands. Rafiq gave her one hundred ceramic pieces worth of tiles. Dimitria purchased some ceramic barrels, farming tools, and foodstuffs.
Yusef purchased some slaves, including the children he had seen, and immediately freed them. He gave them some tiles to purchase clothes and traveling goods for themselves. He then went back to Rafiq and asked him for more tiles, because he forgot to free the children's parents. Yusef laid the guilt on thick, as Rafiq used to be a slaver himself. Rafiq ended up giving Yusef two hundred ceramic more for the slaves.
Yusef went back to the slave pens and purchased the parents. He freed them and united them back with their children. Yusef told Rafiq that he should feel good about uniting the parents and the children. Rafiq had to admit that he did.
Yusef purchased supplies these slaves as well. By now, they had quite a large group. Rafiq didn't think he had enough money to hire mercenaries in Urik, but before he could say anything about it, Dimitria suggested that they all return to the Lost Oasis and see if Abbas could use these newly freed men and women to help him tend the land. They pitched the idea to the former slaves and they all agreed to go.
So, they left the fort and found a clear area outside. Rafiq used the way to open a large dimensional gateway to the Lost Oasis. Everyone stepped through.
They found Abbas working the land, with the few residents that still lived there. Dimitria approached him and asked him if the former slaves could stay and learn to care for the land. Abbas agreed, but any who did not would be banished to the desert. Again, the former slaves agreed. They were happy to tend the land in such a beautiful place and live far from the slavery of the city-states.
The group left the Lost Oasis, moved through the power of the way to Dimitria's guarded lands. They dropped off the ceramic barrels, filled with foodstuffs, into a small cave Dimitria used for shelter. It was then that Yusef revealed to the rest of the group that he had picked the slavers pocket and stolen his copper key. Yusef suggested they return to Fort Iron and free the rest of the slaves.
Rafiq agreed and added that they should make it look like an attack from Tyr. They could attack, while waiving the Tyrian banner. Yusef agreed, as long as he could free the slaves during the assault.
They presented their plan to the rest of the group and the group was quickly on board. They slept well that night on Dimitria's guarded lands.

Day 9, Week 2, Fifthover, Friend's Vengeance, 190th King's Age, Sun Descending

A couple of hours before dawn, the group rose and made preparations. Rafiq used the way to transport the group back to Fort Iron.

Join us next time for another exciting session of Adventures Under the Dark Sun. 
2nd edition AD&D Dark Sun Cast of Player Characters 
Dimitria: Human female druid. 20 years old. Played by Mary. Speaks Urikite, Raamin, and Tyrian.
Clavis: Human male gladiator. 30 years old. Played by Dave. Speaks Drajish and Tyrian.
Rafiq: Human male psychoporter. 25 years old. Played by Ben. Speaks Tyrian, Balican, Raamin, and Urkite.
Selia: Half-elf female ranger. 27 years old. Played by my wife. Speaks Elf and Tyrian.
Yusef: Human male thief. 24 years old. NPC party member. Speaks Tyrian, Nibnese, and Urikite.
Ali: Human male clairsentient. 26 years old. NPC. Speaks Tyrian, Urikite, Balican, and Gulgish.

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