Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Aloe Lacerta - New Athasian Monster

Aloe Lacerta

Climate/Terrain: Any, except Forest and Silt Sea
Frequency: Rare
Organization: Herd
Activity Cycle: Day
Diet: Herbivore
Intelligence: Animal (1)
Treasure: Nil
Alignment: Neutral
No. Appearing: 2-24
Armor Class: 6
Movement: 12
Hit Dice: 4+4
Thac0: 17
No. of Attacks: 1
Damage/Attacks: 1-6
Special Attack: Poison Spit
Special Defense: None
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: L (8' Long)
Morale: Elite (13-14)
XP Value: 650

Aloe Lacerta
These bizarre creatures are unlike anything else found on Athas. They are part reptile, part plant. They are gray skinned lizard creatures, with a short tail, and pronounced snout. The snout of the aloe lacerta is pointed, hard, and horn-like. On the back of the creature, grows an aloe vera plant.
The aloe lacerta is an herbivore, but it is able to supplement its diet by photosynthesizing sun light. An adult is 4' 8" at the shoulder, with their plant being nearly double that height. An adult aloe lacerta weighs 800 pounds.

If attacked, aloe lacerta will prefer to flee, unless cornered or protecting their young. If forced into a fight, the aloe lacerta will stab opponents with its pointed snout, causing 1d6 points of damage. In addition, the aloe lacerta is able to spit poison 30 feet. The poison is type M. The aloe lacerta may spit poison once every three rounds.

Aloe lacerta roam the tablelands, and beyond, seeking food and water. An adult aloe lacerta requires little food, as it is able to photosynthesize sunlight. They are also able to store water in their plant for later use. Aloe lacerta do not seem to have a herd hierarchy of any kind.
Aloe lacerta's plants flower during high sun, which signals the beginning of the mating season. Females lay small clutches of soft shelled eggs, 1d4+2, preferably near water or mud, three months after mating. Eggs hatch after 60 days. The Herd will return to the area often during this time.
Young aloe lacerta are born with 4 hit points and are 6 inches in length. They do not have plants growing out of their backs at this time and their attacks only cause 1 point of damage. They will travel with, and be protected by, the herd. After four months, the young aloe lacerta gains 1 hit die and begins to grow an aloe vera plant from its back. Its attack causes 1d2 points of damage. At eight months, the young aloe lacerta will grow to 2+4 hit dice and its attack will cause 1d4 points of damage. At this point, it gains its poison spit, but saves are made at a +2 bonus. At one year, the aloe lacerta will grow to 3+4 hit dice. It's attack will cause 1d6 points of damage. Finally, after sixteen months, an aloe lacerta becomes an adult and will grow to its maximum of 4+4 hit dice. At this time, its poison spit is at full strength.
A herd usually consists of 2-24 full grown adults and 3-30 young.

Aloe lacerta eat any vegetation they can find, but prefer cactus. Aloe lacerta may be herded, but they often become aggressive when young are present.
An adult aloe lacerta provides average quality to low quality leather. In addition, they provide 300 pounds of bitter, tart meat, 1 square yard of average leather, and 1 square yard of low quality leather. The meat sells for 1 bit per 2 pounds.
The aloe vera plant, from an aloe lacerta's back, is prized by healers and herbalists. An intact plant, that has not been badly damaged, can be sold for up to 6 ceramic pieces.

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