Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Athasian Diseases and Treatment PDF

A couple of years ago, I wrote three articles about Athasian Diseases and how they can be used in a game. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to use them too much and I doubt anyone else has either, because scrolling through three articles is very inconvenient.
So, I took some time and combined the disease and treatment rules into a pdf. I have labeled this pdf version 1.0, so I can make corrections after play testing them. I hope this makes it easier for other Dark Sun game masters to torment their players with diseases.

PDF: Athasian Diseases and Treatment Version 1.0.

Here are links to the original articles, for reference:

Athasian Disease Part One

Athasian Disease Part Two

Athasian Disease Part Three

As noted above, these rules have not been extensively tested in game. If you have any questions or comments, or have adapted them to another rule system and want to share, please comment below. 

Thank you.

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