Julius: Human male psychokinetic. Played by Dave. Speaks Balician and Tyrian.
Alaxander: Human male psychokinetic. Played by my 7 year old son, because Ben could not make it. Speaks Balician and Elf.
Kalino: Human male fighter/preserver. Played by DM. Speaks Rammin and Tyrian.
Vashti: Human female clairsentient/water cleric. Played by my wife. Speaks Nibnese, Gith, and Balician.
Grak (aka Guacamole): Pterran male ranger. Played by Clyde. Speaks Pterran and Giant.
Emir: Human male. 42 years old. Rancher. NPC. Speaks Balician, Nibnese, and Tyrian.
Dilay: Human female. 38 years old. Rancher. NPC. Speaks Balician, Nibnese, and Tyrian.
Lutfi: Human male. 17 years old. Rancher. NPC. Speaks Balician, and Nibnese.
Fikri: Human male. 19 years old. Rancher. NPC. Speaks Balician and Nibnese.
Havva: Human female. 14 years old. Domestic worker. NPC. Speaks Balician and Nibnese.
Riza: Human male. 22 years old. Ranch hand. NPC. Speaks Nibnese.
Amir: Human male. 18 years old. Ranch hand. NPC. Speaks Nibnese.
Essa: Human male. 20 years old. Ranch hand. NPC. Speaks Nibnese.
Hanif: Human male. 16 years old. Ranch hand. NPC. Speaks Nibnese and Tyrian.
Demetrius: Human male. 25 years old. Shepherd. NPC. Speaks Nibnese.
Salvador: Human male. 41 years old. Mason. NPC. Speaks Nibnese.
Agathon: Human male. 17 years old. Shepherd. NPC. Speaks Balician.
Note: For those unfamiliar with Dark Sun, psionics are called the Will for wild talents and the Way for trained psionicists.
Vashti helped Grak into the small home on the property. Inside she saw Dilay, Lutfi, Riza, Amir, Essa, and Hanif tied up on the floor and Emir unconscious, with blood leaking from a wound on the back of his head. Vashti helped Grak into a sitting position and rushed to helped Emir. She patched up his head and moved him to a straw mattress on the floor. She then began untying Dilay. Grak's eagle hopped into the house and began pecking at the ropes on Hanif.
When Dilay was untied, Julius, Fikri and Havva arrived and dismounted. Fikri ran to his mother and hugged her. They both started helping to untie the others when Dilay explained what had happened. They had problems with gith before, but were always able to chase them off by showing their daggers and clubs. However, this time they had charged in without warning and engaged the men. They had knocked out Emir with the butt of a spear before he had time to react. The boys had put up a fight and sent Fikri to find help.
Although the boys were badly outnumbered, they fought as well as they could. However, when the gith threatened to kill Emir, the boys had to surrender. The gith tied them up and she believed they wanted to sell them into slavery.
Who wouldn't want to carry someone else for the rest of their life and not get paid? |
She thanked them all for saving the ranch. Fikri told them that he promised them erdlu eggs for helping and Dilay said they could have all they could carry. Kalino looted the fallen gith and shared the spoils with Fikri. Vashti was patching up the men's wounds and asked if they could stay at the ranch and recover. Dilay saw the way Havva was looking at Julius and readily agreed.