The group retreated from their location to hide from the gith. They got behind a large boulder and began discussing what they should do next. Suddenly, Shade called out in surprise. From behind, and above, the group was a fifteen foot long centipede.
The centipede's poison burned Shade's skin, but he was able to fight off the internal effects. The group quickly drew weapons and fled from the monster. The centipede gave chase and bit Alaxander. Alaxander could feel the venom coursing through his veins and he cried out. Luckily, Kiara was on hand to slow the venom in Alaxander's system.
The group attacked the creature with fervor, but the giant centipede made use of the terrain. While the group was having difficulty navigating the rocks and boulders, the centipede moved gracefully over and around them.
A blog for the Dark Sun Setting.
All rules presented are for the AD&D 2e rules system, or For Gold & Glory by God Emperor Games.
If you find this site useful, please leave a comment.
Tuesday, December 28, 2021
Session Seventy: The Gith Problem
Saturday, December 25, 2021
Prince of Peace
“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” - Isaiah 9:6
I encourage everyone to watch the video below and rejoice in our Savior's birth.
Merry Christmas.
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
The Friends and the Slavers - A Dark Sun Fable
Jahin approached the slavers and spoke softly, so Walid would not hear him,"Great ones, if you promise not to capture me, I will aid you in capturing my friend. He is much stronger than I and would make a much better slave."
The slavers agreed and Jahin returned to Walid.
"They have agreed not to capture us." Jahin lied to his friend, "Let's go that way, away from the slavers."
When Walid turned to look, Jahin hit him on the head with a stick, knocking him unconscious.
Now, when the slavers saw one of the men was theirs for the taking, they quickly descended on Jahin and subdued him. Both men were forced into slavery and Jahin knew that he should have expected treachery, much more than his former friend.
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Nyroc - New Athasian Monster
Climate/Terrain: Anywhere Dark
Frequency: Very Rare
Organization: Solitary or Cluster
Activity Cycle: Night
Diet: Carnivore
Intelligence: Semi- (2-4)
Treasure: See Below
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
No. Appearing: 1-10
Armor Class: 3
Movement: 12, Fl 24 (B)
Hit Dice: 10 + 5
Thac0: 11
No. of Attacks: 1 or 2
Damage/Attacks: 1-4 / 1-6
Special Attack: Venom
Special Defense: Urticating Hairs
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: S (3' long)
Morale: Average (8-10)
XP Value: Common: 4,000; Psionic: 6,000
Psionic Summary
Level: 5
Dis/Sci/Dev: 2/3/10
Attack/Defense: -/ M-, MB, TS
Score: 14
PSPs: 72
Psychometabolic: Shadow-form, Adrenalin Control, Cause Decay, Displacement, Flesh Armor
Psychoportation: Teleport, Time Shift
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Session Sixity-Nine: The Village of Kuresh
Vashti's appearance had drastically changed in her time away and the people from her village did not recognize her. After a long discussion, Vashti was able to convince the villagers that she was who she said she was. She told them the names of every villager and personal details about them. The village opened their doors and allowed the group inside.
Vashti met her mentor, a dwarf water cleric named Sharra, and explained what had happened in the time she had been away. She also told her about their current mission, to find the gems needed to destroy Kalak. Sharra thought Vashti's plan was noble, but idealistic. She tried to convince Vashti to stay, but Vashti refused.
Kiara lied, when out of ear shot of Julius, and said she was an air cleric. She and Vashti healed some of the guards who were badly injured in the fight with the gith. One of guards was beyond help and died.
Vashti met with the village elder, a preserver named Kazim. She turned over all the supplies the group had purchased in Altaruk and Nibenay. She also introduced Kazim to Kalino and those two retired to have a long discussion
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Session Sixty-Eight: Homeward Bound
Everyone disagreed with attacking the armored wagon. Kalino was disappointed, but agreed that finding the gems was more important.
Using the way, Alaxander opened a large dimensional doorway and lead the group to the gates of Nibenay. Kiara changed into her templar robes and introduced herself at the gate. The templars exchanged pleasantries and the group was lead to a small house to stay in.
The house was a one room stone house. There were grass woven partition screens to set up small private areas. Shade and Kiara set up a private area for themselves and everyone else just planned to sleep in the open area of the home.
Before resting, Shade went to the bard's quarter and purchased some poison, along with some mundane equipment. To find the location, Shade had to bribe an elf. He had to pay for more information to find the poison seller.
While there, a small half-elf boy bumped into Shade. Shade caught the boy trying to steal some coins from his pouch. Shade saw the sorry state of the boy's clothing and his malnourished appearance. He handed the boy a ceramic piece and the boy dashed away.
Thursday, November 25, 2021
Psionic Athasian Turkey
Turkey, Psionic | |
Climate/Terrain | Forest, Scrub Plains |
Frequency | Very Rare |
Organization | Solitary, Pair, or Flock |
Activity Cycle | Day |
Diet | Omnivore |
Intelligence | Semi (2-4) |
Treasure | Nil |
Alignment | Neutral |
No. Appearing | 1-2 |
Armor Class | 8 |
Movement | 12 fl 9 |
Hit Dice | 3+3 |
Thac0 | 17 |
No. of Attacks | 1 |
Damage/ Attack | 1-6 or 1 |
Special Attack | Poison |
Special Defense | Nil |
Magic Resistance | Nil |
Size | S (3' + tall) |
Morale | Steady (11-12) |
XP Value | 320 |
Level: 3
Dis/Sci/Dev: 2/2/7
Attack/Defense: EW, MT/ M-, MB
Score: 14
PSPs: 38
Psychometabolic: Shadow-form, Adrenalin Control, Cause Decay, Displacement, Flesh Armor
Psychoportation: Teleport, Time Shift
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Session Sixty-Seven: Gray Plumed Mountain Part 7
The b'rohg skeleton ran forward and punched at the efreeti, but the efreeti deftly dodged the attack. Kalino sent three bolts of magical energy that struck the genie. Alaxadner struck the efreeti with a blast of concussive mental force. Shade rushed to attack, but the efreeti turned into mist.
Julius started to gather the mist into an empty ceramic jar, but no one else knew what to do. Suddenly, the efreeti reappeared at the far end of the hallway. Everyone ran to attack it.
Kalino struck the efreeti and it vanished into nothingness. Julius said it might have been an illusion, because the mist was still present. The mist began to coalesce.
The efreeti appeared behind Shade and the mist vanished. The efreeti punched Shade twice, once on the shoulder and the second strike to his hip, right in his belt pouch. Shade fell to the ground.
Nearly everyone immediately jumped into action and attacked with everything they had. Kiara ran to Shade and healed him. The efreeti had run out of tricks and the party was able to overwhelm him. Julius struck the killing blow.
The efreeti's lifeless body fell to the ground and erupted into flames. The flames burned away quickly and his body was gone.
Keraptis' voice spoke from around them. "That was the most entertained I've been for years."
Vashti called Keraptis a coward and told him to come out of hiding and face them.
Keraptis laughed, "I have no reason to fight you. You may go, or stay as you please. Perhaps you will return and entertain me in the future."
The group murmured and Alaxander opened a large dimensional doorway with the way, which took the group to the guarded lands of the druid Abbas, near the ruins of Kalidnay. Abbas welcomed them and assisted Kiara and Vashti in healing the group. Abbas wanted them to stay, or at least Vashti to stay, but they said they had a mission to complete and could not. Abbas understood.
Alaxander used the way to carry them to the ruins of Nibenay, outside of the giant talking inix's pyramid. However, it was evening and the pyramid was surrounded by undead. Before the undead could attack him, Alaxander scrambled back through the doorway and closed it. Panting with fear, Alaxander told the group that the undead seemed to be laying siege to the pyramid.
The group talked it over and decided to have Alaxander open a doorway into the interior of the pyramid. He would have to open it on the top floor, since that was the only place Alaxander had been. The group agreed and bid Abbas farewell again.
The top floor of the pyramid was a flurry of activity. The tari were surprised by the groups arrival and pointed bone and stone tipped spears at them. Once the tari saw it was the group, they relaxed and went to reinforce the pyramid's doors. The group assisted as much as they could.
One of the tari signaled for Vashti to follow him. She took the stone, the amulet, and the egg. She then followed the tari into the bottom level of the large stepped pyramid.
The talking inix was speaking with some of the tari and had some crude maps of the ruins in front of him. Vashti waited patiently until the inix was ready to speak with her. She did not wait long.
The inix was extremely pleased with the group's retrieval of the amulet, stone, and, most importantly, the egg. He gladly handed over the green gemstone, which wanted to leave immediately. The gemstone introduced itself as the Lord of the Legs. The inix let Vashti use the pearly white stone, which magically rotated around her head and healed her wounds. He took the stone back and then lead her to the top of the pyramid.
In the top of the pyramid, he explained to the group that he would reward them with other treasures, if they assisted him in fighting the undead horde. The group declined and told the inix they had pressing matters to attend to elsewhere. The inix was saddened, but understood.
Alaxander used the way to open a doorway to the trade fort of Altaruk. They stepped through and arrived just outside of the fort. Kalino said he would speak to the guard and he did so. The group witnessed him pass some ceramic pieces to the guard and the guard whispered to seek a woman in the inn. The group didn't ask Kalino about it and were eager to get inside and sleep in an actual bed.
Day 7, Week 1, Macro, Friend's Vengeance, 190th King's Age, Sun Descending
In the morning, the group listens to Vashti's sermon and she healed their wounds. Kalino told them that he discovered that they were wanted in Tyr. He suggested that if they returned there, they should disguise themselves. Everyone agreed.
Shade inspected the many gems that they had gathered inside Keraptis' liar. The efreeti had punched the gems and many of them were cracked. The group groaned for a moment, but realized that they still had a fortune.
The group happily purchased iron weapons for themselves, purchased a new pack kank, and plenty of supplies. Even the normally tight-fisted Julius purchased an iron bastard sword. In addition, everyone, except Julius, replaced their heavily damaged wardrobes.
Kalino had noticed that an armored fortress wagon was parked outside of the fort and it was very likely that they had slaves. He suggested that they follow it away the fort and attack it to free the slaves.
Join us in two weeks for another exciting session of Adventures Under the Dark Sun.
2nd edition AD&D Dark Sun Cast of Player Characters
Julius: Human male psychokinetic. 22 years old. Played by Dave. Speaks Balican, Tyrian, and Giant.
Alaxander: Human male psychokinetic. 18 years old. Played by Ben. Speaks Balican, Tyrian, and Elf.
Vashti: Human female clairsentient/water cleric. 20 years old. Played by my wife. Speaks Nibnese, Gith, Tyrian, Balican, and Urikite.
Shade: Half-Elf male ranger/thief, 18 years old. Played by Chad. Speaks Balican, Elf and Tyrian.
Kalino: Human male fighter/preserver. 20 years old. Party NPC. Speaks Rammin, Tyrian, and Balican.
Kiara: Human female fighter/templar, 22 years old. NPC. Speaks Urikite, Raamin, and Tyrian.
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
The Dancing Half-Giant - A Dark Sun Fable
At a great celebration, in honor of Hamanu, The Lion if Urik, a beautiful half-elf was asked to dance for the gathered nobles and templars. Her dancing was superb and everyone was impressed with her grace and agility. Everyone clapped and cheered as she danced.
The praise that was showered on the woman made a half-giant guard envious. He was very sure that he could dance just as well as the half-elf woman, if not better. So, he pushed his way into the crowd, that was gathered around the woman, and rising on his left foot, began to dance. But the big hulking brute looked ridiculous as he clumsily stumbled around the dance floor. He crashed into the crowd and stomped on several toes.
When at last, one of his huge feet came within an inch of the King's own toes, Hamanu raised a hand. The dancing stopped immediately and all eyes turned to the half-giant and the displeased look on the King's face. King Hamanu stared at the offending half-giant and the half-giant began begging for his life.
The crowd gasped as the half-giant's eyes rolled to the back of his head and he collapsed to the ground, dead. The other half-giant guards dragged the body of their former comrade away and the celebration continued.
Tuesday, November 9, 2021
Session Sixty-Six: Gray Plumed Mountain Part 6.
Note: For those unfamiliar with Dark Sun, psionics are called the Will for wild talents and the Way for trained psionicists.
The tentacles randomly attacked whomever was within range of them. The group fought strategically, attacking a single target and then moving on to the next target. It did not take too long for the group to slay the small black silt horrors that were attacking them.
The group thought about trying to attack the scorpions with ranged weapons, but the angle of the attack would have made it extremely difficult. Shade leapt over the silt and landed in the desert area, ready to engage one of the giant scorpions. Alaxander opened a dimension door, with the way, in the watery area and started emptying the water into the desert area, creating a lot of mud. The scorpions fled from the moisture.
Tuesday, November 2, 2021
Session Sixty-Five: Gray Plumed Mountain Part 5
The group tied themselves together with rope and gathered the shallow bowls. They jumped into the flowing stream of silt, while sitting on their bowls. They were whisked through the hole in the wall and through a tube.
The stream carried them into a room, where a group of men were waiting with nets and clubs. The men caught Shade in a net and pulled him out of the stream and onto the floor. The other men near him started beating him with their clubs.
No one else was caught by the nets, but the group was having trouble dismounting from their bowls without being scoured by the silt stream. The best fighter among the group was wielding a bone carrikal and the men engaged the group fiercely. Shade, with the help of Vashti, was able to break free of the net.
The fighting was rather brutal, as the men had taken advantage of their foes awkward positions. However, once the group was able to gather themselves, they defeated the men. The battle did take a toll on the group. They were wounded and low on magical and mental resources. They decided to rest. They made sure to keep watch.
Day 5, Week 1, Macro, Friend's Vengeance, 190th King's Age, Sun Descending
Upon waking, the group searched the dead men. The fighter who had wielding the carrikal had a brass key on his belt. Alaxander took it.
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Missing Monsters - Var
In addition, there are some brief stats. However, there is no information on their ecology or habits and they are not given a full description. So, instead of a missing monster, this is more of a neglected monster. Enjoy.
Climate/Terrain: Rocky Badlands and Underground
Frequency: Rare
Organization: Swarm
Activity Cycle: Night
Diet: Living Blood
Intelligence: Animal (1)
Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral
No. Appearing: 1-100
Armor Class: 6
Movement: 3, Fl 24 (B)
Hit Dice: 1 + 1
Thac0: 13
No. of Attacks: 1
Damage/Attacks: 1
Special Attack: Blood Drain
Special Defense: None
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: T (1' long)
Morale: Unreliable (3)
XP Value: 75
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
The Aprig and the Ruby - A Dark Sun Fable
"Aha!" said the aprig. "No doubt the previous owner of this gemstone searched for hours to find it. But I don't care at all, I would choose a single grain of rice, or a drop of water, before all the gems in the world."
Tuesday, October 12, 2021
Session Sixty-Four: Gray Plumed Mountain Part 4
The twelve foot long braxat beetle turned toward the group, as they slowly approached from the tunnel, and began spitting acid at them. The group dodged the best they could, but many of them got sprayed. Alaxander teleported to the other side of the braxat beetle, to the wood chest.
Kalino and Kiara rushed the monstrous beetle, Kalino attacked with his iron tipped spear and Kiara with her copper wrist razor. Julius did not have any mental energy to use the way, so he ran to the side of the beetle and attacked it with his finely crafted bone longsword. Vashti did not have any spells available, so she held back and waited to tend the injured. Shade used his short bow to fire arrows at the giant insect, but the arrows didn't penetrate the beetle's carapace.
The beetle fought back, grabbing Kiara in its mandibles and shaking her to and fro. The beetle then slammed her unconscious body to the ground. Vashti ran to Kiara and pulled her away from the beetle.
Alaxander was about to open the chest, but thought it might be trapped. Instead, he turned around and started battering the beetle with physical strikes of mental force. Julius jumped on the beetle's back and tried to find a gap in the beetle's armor. Kalino kept stabbing at the beetle's head, while Vashti used her healing skills to patch up Kiara.
Tuesday, October 5, 2021
Non-Dark Sun Creatures in Dark Sun - Elemental, Composite
There are many creatures from the various monstrous manuals that have been officially added to Dark Sun. I added some unofficially for my game and I'm sure a lot of other DMs do the same.
There is no inherent problem with this, although the flavor text often doesn't fit with the Dark Sun setting. My goal is to list the various monsters that "don't fit" and rewrite their flavor text to make them fit.
I often add a new Athasian variant as well.
Elemental, Composite
Tempest |
Skriaxit |
Cherufe | |
Climate/Terrain | Any, non Underground | Any Desert and Silt Sea | In or near Volcanoes |
Frequency | Very Rare |
Very Rare |
Very Rare |
Organization | Solitary |
Pack |
Solitary |
Activity Cycle | Any |
Any |
Any |
Diet | Moisture |
Emotions |
Ashes |
Intelligence | Low to Average (5-10) | Exceptional (15-16) | Average (8-10) |
Treasure | M x 3 | Nil |
N x 2, Q |
Alignment | Chaotic Neutral |
Neutral Evil |
Chaotic Evil |
No. Appearing | 1 |
3-18 |
1-3 |
Armor Class | 2 | -5 | -3 |
Movement | Fl 24 | 12, 18, or 24 | 16 |
Hit Dice | 9-12 |
16+16 or 24+24 |
12-14 |
THAC0 | 9-10 HD: 11 11-12 HD: 9 |
5 |
12 HD: 9 13 HD: 8 14 HD: 7 |
No. of Attacks | 1 |
2 |
1 |
Damage/Attack | 2-16 |
2-20/2-20 |
2-24 |
Special Attacks | Whirlwind, Lightning | Sandstorm, Dispel Magic | Fire Rain, Spells |
Special Defenses | +2 or better weapon to hit; see below |
+2 or better weapon to hit; see below | +2 or better weapon to hit; see below |
Magic Resistance | Nil | 50% | 25% |
Size | G (50' diameter) | L (10' tall) | H (15' tall) |
Morale | Champion (15-16) | Fanatic (17-18) | Fanatic (17-18) |
XP Value | 9 HD: 6,000 10 HD: 7,000 11 HD: 8,000 12 HD: 9,000 |
16+16 HD: 16,000 24+24 HD: 24,000 |
12 HD: 12,000 13 HD: 13,000 14 HD: 14,000 |
Saturday, October 2, 2021
Dark Sun turns 30!
Happy Anniversary to Dark Sun! October 2021 marks 30 years that Dark Sun has been around! Thanks Troy Denning, Timothy Brian Brown, Bill Slavicsek, Monte Cook, Bruce R Cordell, Robert J Schwalb, Richard Baker, Rodney Thompson, Chris Sims and everyone who’s had a hand in contributing to this amazing setting. And of course Dark Sun wouldn’t be Dark Sun without the artists Gerald Brom, Tom Baxa, Diesel, Rob Lazaretti, John Dollar, Wayne Reynolds, Jason Engle, William O’Connor, and many more!
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Session Sixty-Three: Gray Plumed Mountain Part 3
Note: For those unfamiliar with Dark Sun, psionics are called the Will for wild talents and the Way for trained psionicists.
The group yelled out, as Kalino was dragged into the silt. More tentacles rose out of the silt and began whipping the other members of the group. They did their best to fight off the tentacles, but were worried about Kalino drowning in the silt.
Alaxander used the way to phase and float slowly into the silt. He moved beneath the creatures brown bulbous body and used the way to mentally strike the creature. The mental strikes were able to partially lift the create out of the silt, for just a moment. The rest of the party readied their long range weapons, for when the creature would appear. As soon as Julius was able to see the creature, he used the way to start heating it up.
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
The Battle in Urik. A Dark Sun Fable.
One of the stories he told was about an army of gith that attacked the city-state of Urik. He told how he marched out in the front of the army and slew a dozen gith himself, with nothing but a stone tipped spear. He said he slew more than any other single man and the King heaped praise upon him. If anyone in the village ever traveled to Urik, they could find out it was true from the many witnesses.
Not long after he told this boastful tale, a dozen gith raiders were spotted approaching the village. The villagers laughed at the small force and did not prepare a proper defense. The boastful young man was given a stone tipped spear and made to stand between the village and the raiders.
As the villagers watched in anticipation of their champions victory, the man broke and ran, not having the bravery to face the gith. He died with a gith spear in his back.
The people of the village were captured and sold into slavery. Their village was destroyed, so they had nowhere to return to. The villagers cried out in anguish, but they all blamed themselves for believing such a fool.
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Missing Monsters - Cragor Worm
Cragor Worm
Climate/Terrain: Any, not Silt Sea
Frequency: Uncommon
Organization: Solitary or Swarm
Activity Cycle: Night
Diet: Omnivore
Intelligence: Non- (0)
Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral
No. Appearing: 2-24
Armor Class: 7
Movement: 8
Hit Dice: 2
Thac0: 19
No. of Attacks: 1
Damage/Attacks: 2-5
Special Attack: None
Special Defense: None
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: T (1' long)
Morale: Average (10)
XP Value: 35
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
New Potion Fruits 02
![]() |
Durian Fruit |
I my game, I choose to not have potion fruits rot. This means the group may find them in ancient ruins or modern complexes. If you choose to have potion fruits rot in your game, I would suggest making them rot a lot slower than fruits in the real world.
I had a lot of fun creating new potions in my last potion fruit article and it appeared to be a popular article as well. So, I have created some more using more exotic fruits. All of the fruits are real and more information can easily be gathered about them. I hope you enjoy them.
Use the chart below to randomly choose the type of fruit, color of fruit, and potion type. Roll as many times as you like, or just choose the best combination for your game.
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
The Tigone and the Biting Fly. A Dark Sun Fable.
"Do you think," he questioned spitefully to the tigone, "that I am afraid of you because all of the other beasts are?"
Then, he flew quickly at the tigone and bit him sharply on the nose. Mad with rage, the tigone struck fiercely at the biting fly, but only succeeded in harming himself with his own claws. Again and again the biting fly bit at the tigone, who was roaring and striking out, but only succeeded in harming himself again and again. Even his strength with the way could not stop the mindless insect. At last, worn out with rage and covered with wounds that his own teeth and claws had made, the tigone gave up the fight.
The biting fly buzzed away proudly, ready to tell the whole world about his victory over the great cat, but instead he flew straight into a spider's web. And there, the fly who had defeated one of the greatest of beasts came to a miserable end, the prey of a little spider.
Tuesday, August 3, 2021
New Potion Fruits 01
![]() |
Prickly Pear |
If you have the same problem as I do, this article is for you. I have decided to write up some random tables for selecting the type of fruit, color, and magical properties for your Dark Sun game. I hope you enjoy them.
All of the fruits are real. Use the chart below to randomly choose the type of fruit, color of fruit, and potion type. Roll as many times as you like, or just choose the best combination for your game.
Tuesday, July 27, 2021
Braxat Beetle, Acidic - New Athasian Monster
Braxat Bettle, Acidic
Climate/Terrain: Anywhere
Frequency: Very Rare
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Omnivore
Intelligence: Non (0)
Treasure: Nil
Alignment: Neutral
No. Appearing: 1
Armor Class: 2
Movement: 6
Hit Dice: 12
Thac0: 9
No. of Attacks: 2
Damage/Attacks: 3-18/2-16
Special Attack: Acid Spit
Special Defense: Acid Resistance
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: L (12' Long)
Morale: Champion (16)
XP Value: 5,000
Tuesday, July 20, 2021
The Kank Carrying the Templar. A Dark Sun Fable.
With his head full of these foolish ideas, he became so puffed up with pride and vanity that he halted and started to klack his mandibles loudly. But in the middle of his display, the man leading him guessed what he had gotten into his head. He began to beat him unmercifully with a stick. "Go along with you, you stupid insect," he cried. "The smiles and waves are not meant for you but for the templar you are carrying."
Tuesday, July 13, 2021
Non-Dark Sun Creatures in Dark Sun - Elemental, Sandman
There are many creatures from the various monstrous manuals that have been officially added to Dark Sun. I added some unofficially for my game and I'm sure a lot of other DMs do the same.
There is no inherent problem with this, although the flavor text often doesn't fit with the Dark Sun setting. My goal is to list the various monsters that "don't fit" and rewrite their flavor text to make them fit.
I often add a new Athasian variant as well.
Elemental, Sandman
Sandman, Free |
Sandman, Slave |
Climate/Terrain | Any, non Forest | Any, non Forest | |
Frequency | Rare |
Rare |
Organization | Family |
Pack |
Activity Cycle | Night |
Night |
Diet | Minerals |
Minerals |
Intelligence | Average (8-10) | Average (8-10) |
Treasure | Nil |
Nil |
Alignment | Neutral Evil |
Neutral Evil |
No. Appearing | 1d6 |
1d6 |
Armor Class | 3 |
3 | |
Movement | 9 | 9 | |
Hit Dice | 4 |
4 |
THAC0 | 17 |
17 |
No. of Attacks | 1 |
1 |
Damage/Attack | Nil |
Nil |
Special Attacks | Sleep, Spells |
Sleep |
Special Defenses | See Below |
See Below |
Magic Resistance | 20% | 20% | |
Size | M (5-6' tall) | M (5-6' tall) | |
Morale | Elite (13-14) | Elite (13-14) | |
XP Value | 2,000 |
975 |
Sunday, July 4, 2021
Independence Day 2021
Happy Independence Day to the United States of America. Today we celebrate our succession from Britain in 1776. The United States of America was founded, not on national identity or geography, but an idea. That all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Session Sixty-Two: Gray Plumed Mountain Part 2
Note: For those unfamiliar with Dark Sun, psionics are called the Will for wild talents and the Way for trained psionicists.
The group stared at the two-foot diameter glass spheres and were not sure what to do next. Suddenly, the door slammed behind them. They saw that the door had a key hole and was locked tight.
A voice suddenly spoke to them. The voice came from the ceiling and echoed loudly. The voice welcomed the group to his lair of fun and told them one of the globes held the key for the door and the others held their doom. It laughed and said that this was going to be fun, for him.
The group groaned in frustration and proceeded to have a fifteen minute discussion and complain about being trapped for the defiler's amusement. Keraptis' voice boomed and told them to hurry up, but the group was defiant and told him no. Keraptis laughed and told them he would force them to move faster. The group noticed an increase in the rooms temperature. It was a slight increase, but the group knew they were now limited on time.
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
The Rat and the Mekillot. A Dark Sun Fable.
The King rode on a huge mekillot, adorned with the most gorgeous trappings and an ostentatious howdah. A great crowd of people followed the procession. They were so taken up with admiration of the mekillot, that the rat was not noticed. His pride was hurt.
"What fools!" he cried. "Look at me, and you will soon forget that clumsy mekillot! Is it his great size that makes your eyes pop out? Or is it his armored hide? Why, I have eyes and ears and as many legs as he! I am of just as much importance, and"—
But just then a slave boy spotted him, and captured him for his families dinner. The rat then knew that he was not as important as the mekillot.
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
Magical Weapons with Charges
Most magic items have a bonus to hit and damage and it is permanent. One of the flavorful aspects of the Dark Sun setting is lack of resources. So, I wondered, what if magic weapons had charges? These are my thoughts and suggestions on how charged weapons could work in the AD&D second edition game, tailored toward the Dark Sun campaign setting.
The base rules for magic item creation are found in the Book of Artifacts. These rules should be used to supplement, and not replace, the rules found in this article. If there is any confusion or contradiction, just assume the Book of Artifacts is correct.
This system would require some bookkeeping, just as all magic items with charges do. If the PC is able to determine the number of charges than you, as the DM, may allow them to keep track of it themselves. However, if they do not know, you should not inform them and watch them stare in disbelief when their weapons ceases it's glow, or crumbles to dust.
Tuesday, June 8, 2021
Tuesday, June 1, 2021
Session Sixty-One: Gray Plumed Mountain Part 1
It surprised Vashti that the giant reptile spoke Balican.
"I do not hunt for treasure. Only for a green gem that will assist me in destroying Kalak." Vashti explained.
Vashti could barely see the massive lizard through the darkness, but she guessed its body was over thirty feet long. It showed no expression on its massive face, but it did obviously look Vashti over. She was wondering if it was going to try and eat her.
"I have good information that the gem is here."Vashti began. "It is very obvious, because it speaks to your mind when it is touched."
The lizard sighed heavily, "Ah, yes. I know of the gem you seek."
The giant creature turned into the darkness and as it did so, Vashti could see more of its body. She decided she had been incorrect about its size. Its body was likely closer to forty feet long.
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Clawed Horror - New Athasian Monster
Climate/Terrain: Anywhere
Frequency: Very Rare
Organization: Solitary or Pair
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Carnivore
Intelligence: Average (9-10)
Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral Evil
No. Appearing: 1-2
Armor Class: -1
Movement: 15, Fl 15 (A)
Hit Dice: 8
Thac0: 13
No. of Attacks: 2
Damage/Attacks: 2-8/2-8
Special Attack: Nil
Special Defense: Nil
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: M (5'-6' tall)
Morale: Elite (13-14)
XP Value: 2,000
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Session Sixty: The Ruins of Kalidnay
Note: For those unfamiliar with Dark Sun, psionics are called the Will for wild talents and the Way for trained psionicists.
The group rested and explored for much of their time at the oasis. Kalino asked Shade to stealthily take some cuttings of a few of the plants. Kalino showed Shade where to trim the plants, as to not harm them. Shade did so, but was caught by Hakim.
Hakim was confused why Shade was pruning the plants and asked him to discontinue his actions. Although Shade was not harming the plants, Hakim preferred to let nature take care of itself . He explained that if a caravan came to a well pruned oasis, it would be obvious that people lived there. Shade understood and apologized.
The clippings Shade did acquire, he gave to Kalino. It was fewer clippings than he wished, but it was enough. Kalino secretly used his magic to preserve the clippings for planting elsewhere.
The group slept under the greenery that night. They kept their usual watch cycle.
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
Session Fifty-Nine: The Ogre Doom's Goal
Note: For those unfamiliar with Dark Sun, psionics are called the Will for wild talents and the Way for trained psionicists.
The group ate a meal in Ziad's home, with his family. He had a wife, Shala, whom they knew, and two sons. Salim joined them as well. Both of the boys were fascinated by the type of creature Vashti was. Vashti explained that she had been cursed. The boys parents quieted them before they could ask more questions.
The group thanked the family for their hospitality and set up their sleeping arrangements on the families large main room rug. The family retreated to their rooms, with Salim sleeping in the kitchen area, away from the group.
Julius stayed awake to keep watch and woke Shade after his watch was up. Shade waited until Julius went to sleep and then went back to sleep himself.
Day 29, Week 2, Fortuary, Friend's Vengeance, 190th King's Age, Sun Descending
Upon waking, Vashti preached her sermon and summoned water. Zaid and his family were amazed and gladly took the water Vashti offered them. Zaid and Salim left for work and most of the group departed for the city. Julius stayed behind to carve weapons from some tari bones he was carrying.
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Session Fifty-Eight: He Who Fights
Alaxander teleported to Abu's pile of ash and belongings. He began rummaging through the items, looking for the gem. One of the four henchmen did likewise. A portal to the Plane of Elemental Earth opened and Jessel fell through it.
Another henchmen, who was robed in brown, reached his hand toward the ground and the sparse vegetation around him crumbled into ash. Vashti screamed in pain, as a portion of her body crumbled to ash as well. The defiler then shot a lightning bolt from his fingers and electrocuted Shade and Kiara, who had rushed forward to attack. Kalino shouted a warning to Alaxander, who dove to the ground, then launched a fireball at the group of four henchmen.
Vashti rushed forward to heal Shade. Julius drew his finely crafted bone longsword and rushed forward as well. Two of the henchmen fought in tandem, one of them striking with his iron scimitar and the other, shooting with his short bow. Their first target was Alaxander.
Alaxander grabbed Abu's pile of belongings and teleported two-hundred yards away, so he could search the items without interruption. Shade and Kiara began fighting as a team, concentrating on the henchman with the iron scimitar. Julius rushed the defiler and Kalino assisted him.
The defiler drew energy from the plant life around him and from Vashti's own plant-like body. He created four illusionary duplicates of himself. The henchman, who had previously been searching through Abu's belongings, turned to Julius and stared at him. Julius' skin grew red and hot. Shade and Kiara continued to fight the henchman with the scimitar. The scimitar wielding henchman attacked Shade in return and the archer henchman joined him. Julius slashed at the defiler, but struck one of his duplicates instead. The duplicate vanished. Kalino tried to strike the defiler, but missed completely. Vashti magically healed herself.
As the battle raged, the group kept switching targets and not teaming up together. The henchmen fought more as a group. The defiler was devastating to Vashti, who would collapse, be healed by Kiara, and then collapse again. Fearing the defiler would kill her, Shade eventually grabbed Vashti and ran. Kiara covered his retreat.
Kalino and Julius turned on the way using henchman, who was cooking Julius and Kalino. They wounded him badly enough that he fled. They then turned their attention to the defiler. They managed to destroy all of the defiler's duplicates, but the defiler's last act was to cast a spell that allowed him to fly away.
Even though they were badly wounded, Kalino and Julius turned on the fighter henchman with the iron scimitar.
The group reconvened away from the intact area of the fortress ruins and caught their breath. Kiara revived Vashti and Alaxander showed the group the second gem. It looked very much like the Lord of Arms, but introduced itself as the Lord of the Mind. The Lord of Arms thought he was superior to the group, but his arrogance paled in comparison to the Lord of the Mind.
Even though his personality was insufferable, the Lord of the Mind was incredibly useful. He provided mental energy and access to telepathic powers of the way. He told them the directions and rough distance of the other gems. He also told the players that each gem could also sense the direction of him, so anyone with a gem could find the group.
With this new information, and enemies still present in the area, the group decided to leave the area sooner rather than later.
Using the way, Julius mindlinked Vashti and Alaxander. Vashti used the way to look at the base of the mountain and Alaxander was able to open a large extra-dimensional doorway for the group. They walked through it and emerged into a large rocky badland area.
Shade began looking for a place for them to stay and found a cave not too far from their location. The group limped to the cave and found it cool and dry. It went deeper, however, so the group explored further.
They heard noise ahead of their position, so Shade sneaked ahead of the group and peered around a corner. He saw a dozen elves sitting around a small fire, where they were cooking a large rodent of some kind. They appeared to be hunter-gatherers. Shade observed that all of their equipment and clothing came from animals and plants in the area.
Shade stepped forward and told them in elven not to be afraid. He told them he was a traveler and was just looking for a place to rest and recover. The elves were cautious, but the group showed their good intentions by laying down their weapons. They also offered the elves fifty feet of hemp rope, a set of bone crotalum, ten pounds of dried meat, some honey, and a bottle of common wine. The elves agreed to let the group stay, as long as their left their weapons were they were laid.
The group rested for the rest of the day and slept through the night. They kept watch, of course.
Day 28, Week 2, Fortuary, Friend's Vengeance, 190th King's Age, Sun Descending
In the morning, Vashti preached her sermon to the group and the elves. She created water for everyone, allowing the elves to keep the excess. The elves were grateful.
Vashti and Kiara then healed the group, so they were not on death's door, but were only moderately hurt. The group thanked the elves for their hospitality and that they were leaving. They gathered their weapons. Alaxander used the way to transport everyone to Urik, by creating a large extra-dimensional door.
Upon arriving outside of Urik, Kiara pulled her templar medallion out from under her clothes. She led the group past the line of people waiting to be allowed entrance into the city-state. Kiara approached the guards at the gate and told them to move aside, which they did. They all went inside.
Kiara was walking taller and acting much more serious. She led the group into the freeman's district and then to a decent sized home. She knocked on the door and told the woman occupant that she was required to house the group. The woman quickly agreed and invited the group inside. Kiara told them that she was going to report to the templarate and that she would return in two days. She then warned the woman that she should treat the group well, or face Hamanu's justice.
The group assured the woman that they would not be a bother and Alaxander gave her a silver piece for their lodging. The woman was astonished and happily served the group her best vegetable stew. She offered both bedrooms to the group, but the group said the main room would be fine.
A few hours later, Kiara had a lower rank templar drop off ceramic disks that gave the group permission to buy and sell items in the market district. The group went to the market district and bought new armor, a pack kank, a barrel of water, new clothes, and also sold various items.
Upon returning to their temporary lodging, they discovered that the man of the house, Ziad, was an obsidian carver. He owned a slave, Salim, but treated him well. Going so far as to compliment him on his work and saying he didn't know how he would do things without him.
The group questioned Ziad and Salim. They discovered that Salim was a slave due to unpaid debts. The group paid Salim's 75 ceramic piece debt and got a templar to certify the transaction. Salim was now a free man.
Ziad was worried that he could not keep up with the demand of his obsidian business, but Salim offered to come work for Ziad for a share of the profits. Shade helped negotiate the deal between the two men. Ziad and Salim came to an agreement rather quickly, as they had known each other for years. The shook hands and became business partners.
Join us in two weeks for another exciting episode of Adventures Under the Dark Sun.
2nd edition AD&D Dark Sun Cast of Player Characters
Julius: Human male psychokinetic. 22 years old. Played by Dave. Speaks Balican, Tyrian, and Giant.
Alaxander: Human male psychokinetic. 18 years old. Played by Ben. Speaks Balican, Tyrian, and Elf.
Vashti: Human female clairsentient/water cleric. 20 years old. Played by my wife. Speaks Nibnese, Gith, Tyrian, Balican, and Urikite.
Shade: Half-Elf male ranger/thief, 18 years old. Played by Chad. Speaks Balican, Elf and Tyrian.
Kalino: Human male fighter/preserver. 20 years old. Party NPC. Speaks Rammin, Tyrian, and Balican.
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Session Fifty-Seven: Sudden Crisis
Note: For those unfamiliar with Dark Sun, psionics are called the Will for wild talents and the Way for trained psionicists.
After making sure all of the former slaves were comfortable, the group decided to keep watch. Back with the tari, the former slaves had generally worked at night, so they were not very tired. Most of them decided to keep watch with one member of the group.
Day 27, Week 2, Fortuary, Friend's Vengeance, 190th King's Age, Sun Descending
Long before the sun rose, the Lord of Arms woke Shade by screaming into his head. The Lord of Arms screamed for Shade too awaken. Shade asked what was wrong and the Lord of Arms replied that the gem that they were closest to was being moved south, toward Tyr.
Shade groaned and rose. He woke the rest of the group, except for Alaxander who was keeping watch, and told them what the Lord of Arms had told him. They were upset and did not want to abandon the slaves. The Lord of Arms said that the Ogre Doom kills more slaves everyday than live in the village. In addition, the gem was now in someone's possession who could track the group.
Tuesday, March 9, 2021
Session Fifty-Six: Pro Libertate
Kalino and Jessel used their giant lizard hide to drag everyone, and their equipment, away from the battlefield. They traveled on top of the canyon walls, so their movement was slow going and they often ran into deep canyons that were impassable. Jessel led them to a dead end canyon with a large rocky overhang to hide from the sun and scouts.
They laid everyone out and set up a temporary triage, with Jessel serving as their healer. Kalino nervously kept watch. When camp was set up and secure, Kalino laid down and fell asleep. Jessel barely managed to stay awake to keep watch.
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Session Fifty-Five: Vermin at War
The tari raced forward, the swarms of rats rushing in front of the horde. Kalino watched the mob surge toward Kiara and himself. Kiara's breathing was measured and calm, she was obviously well-trained in the templarate of Urik. Kalino could see Shade on top of the cliff, smoothly drawing arrows from his hip quiver and firing them into the oncoming rush of vermin.
Kalino spotted Mohamed pushing in front of the tari, charging toward Julius' position above him. The undead man had a few arrows sticking out of his body, but the arrows did not impede his movement, nor seem to cause him any pain. He was unarmed, which made Kalino even more uneasy. Foes who chose to be unarmed were generally very powerful and undead were unpredictable.
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Athasian Mutations Part Two
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
Session Fifty-Four: Vermin in the Dark
Shade backed away from the cliff edge, as the tari continued shooting arrows at him. He hid in the shadows and waited to see if Alaxander would teleport back up to him. When Alaxander failed to appear, Shade sneaked away along the clifftop.
Meanwhile, Alaxander was goofing off below. He teleported a large rock into the midst of a group of tari, damaging some of them. He got stabbed with a bone tipped spear for his trouble. Mohamed said he could feel where Alaxander had gone and ran around the building to find him. Mohamed had not healed from their last encounter, but did not seem disturbed by his many wounds. Alaxander attempted to summon his mental strength, but was distracted by his fear of the undead. Mohamed then punched Alaxander twice and had obviously been imbued with supernatural strength. Alaxander teleported back to the top of the cliff. He began searching for Shade among the rocks. Alaxander attempted too use the way to dampen the noise he was making, but created a loud boom instead. Knowing he had already been discovered, he used the way to raise his voice and attempted to frighten the tari. Alaxander then used the way to increase the light levels on the top of the cliff to try and find Shade. Alaxander could see a group of tari soldiers and swarms of rats rushing toward him. He tried frightening them away again, by increasing his voice with the way. It did not seem to have the desired effect. The tari had a difficult time striking Alaxander, but one of the rat swarms covered him and wriggled into his armor. He was getting bit and scratched, so he teleported away. He left the rats behind.
Tuesday, February 2, 2021
The Gorak and his Shadow. A Dark Sun Fable.
"Look!" exclaimed the gorak proudly, "See how big I am! Who wouls I ever run away from a puny tigone! I'll show him who is the biggest and most ruthless creature in the desert!"
Just then an immense shadow covered him and his shadow. In the next instant, a tigone struck him down with a single blow.
Thursday, January 28, 2021
New Poison: Class Q
Class Q poison is useful for poisoning food or drink and then making an escape. The victim will not know they are poisoned for sometime later, which will allow the poisoner to get far away and to avoid suspicion.
The ingredients for class Q poison are somewhat difficult to find, but are most available in the rocky badlands. Long term physical contact with class Q poison will cause redness and swelling to the skin, but will not cause the loss of any hit points.
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Athasian Mutations Part One
In the original core boxed set, page thirteen under the Humam heading, the text mentions that humans have been twisted by magic. In the rules book, it mentions that this twisting changes human's appearance, but has no additional effect. While this does allow for a variety of strangeness, I thought it might be interesting to explore these mutations further.
I recently introduced a tribe of humans with burnt orange skin. This skin is a harmless mutation due to the magical contamination of the drinking water. So, if a human lives off of this source of water for an extended period of time, their skin will eventually become orange.
I thought it might be helpful to create a chart of random visual mutations that humans, or a human group, may possess. These mutations do not provide any game rule changes, they only change a character's appearance and make them more unique. Encountering a group of humans with green robes and blue keffiyehs is interesting, but it might make your players think twice if they all also have pale violet eyes.
DM's should feel free to roll 1d100 to determine random aspects of a human, or human group. Fell free to roll as many times as you wish and alter any mutations as you see fit. In addition, player character's may manifest a mutation if damaged in an area of twisted magic.
Please note that white and black indicate ranges of color beyond the spectrum of normal human skin tones.